No, for reals. My reader ate you. All of you. Each of you. You have been eaten by my reader.
So I’m gonna be switching to Bloglines now.
Ten months of blogs put in a reader, gone in a glitch. Boy oh boy.
So, um. Loves ya, it’s gonna take a while to get this one straightened out.
I hope your reader excused itself afterwards.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Giveaway!
Beth from the Funny Farm
Oh.. that would bite!!
Burgh Baby
That’s going to make for some wicked heartburn.
Ugh. I didn’t even know that could happen & I have been lovin’ my google features up until now…
RC’s last blog post..Top searches
That can happen? Holy crap.
Yeah, that can happen? How scary! I adore my Google Reader and would just die without it. Or well, my reading would go way down!!
tpgoddess’s last blog post..Basketball Pole 1 – Sportsboy 0
Funny, being eaten by a reader wasn’t half as fun as it should have been.
See? Yet another reason that g00gle sucks.
Veronica’s last blog post..Flamed
That is so sad! However, I confess that I am soooo tempted to just chuck my freaking reader.
It is getting more and more like a millstone around my neck. I have a hard time with the guilt when I click on it and it practically screams YOU HAVE 8 BILLION UNREAD POSTS YOU PIECE OF HUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loralee’s last blog post..The joy of looking at house plans online until my eyes are bleeding?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
I don’t have a reader. I just stalk on my own.
Grandy’s last blog post..Did you know there was a Science?
Major suckage there my lovely. Look at it as a decluttering. I bet there were blogs in there that you just don’t read anymore and now you don’t have to make a decision to ditch em!
Except for mine. Of course. Say it. SAY IT! Say ‘of course, Kelley, your blog is the first blog I read every. single. time!’
Ugh. That is one of my big fears. Or that my blog will disappear. Yikes. I shudder to think.
Paloma’s last blog post..Menu Plan Monday
the planet of janet
i recently discovered bloglines and i love love love it. google reader confounded me totally.
the planet of janet’s last blog post..Fun Monday: the collectibles edition
That blows. But you may find lots of free time all of a sudden.
Missy’s last blog post..Housekeeping, Literally
Well f*ck that duck! Did he at least bring the wine ?
By the way, I love bloglines. Although 9 times out of 10, I still click over to whatever site I’m reading.
Ree’s last blog post..Cos I told you once before goodbye, but I came back again.
It was quite painless too… xxx kim
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Another day another Positive result?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
A Whole Lot of Nothing
Ooo-Ooo ADD ME!
A Whole Lot of Nothing’s last blog post..Heads or Tails: Peace or Piece
Memarie Lane
So THAT’s what those teeth marks are from. I was wondering about that…
Memarie Lane’s last blog post..Does this top make me look pregnant?
Are you saying Google Reader will spontaneously combust at some point??? Ugh…
By the way, I think you had my feed in your reader 3 or 4 times with stars and smiley faces by it. Just to remind you…
Sunshine’s last blog post..The One Where I’m Earning the Title
Sarcastic Mom
Because All Things Google = TurdBurgers.
I don’t use a reader, I just click blog by blog…
MP’s last blog post..TV Obsession Continues
Yikes! Were you using google??
Ewokmama’s last blog post..Jack likes?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
Anglophile Football Fanatic
I love Bloglines with a passion I didn’t know existed.
Anglophile Football Fanatic’s last blog post..Breaking News at 9
Yummy. Or not?
Jennic’s last blog post..It?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s mid May already???
Yep, that sucks. I like my Bloglines reader, but good luck finding everyone again.
Missy’s last blog post..We Love Clifford!
I’m diggin my Bloglines… and my clicking finger has healed nicely.
Sorry about your craptastic luck.
~Sheryl’s last blog post..What I learned yesterday?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
That really sucks. I think I would be heartbroken if my reader lost everything.
Colleen’s last blog post..Florida Vacation… or Big Sister Training 101?
I love Bloglines. Never had a problem yet!
Kyla’s last blog post..Tail chasing
Coast Rat
Ouch! That would tick me off BIG TIME!