… or, this blog.
This was going to be a private, password protected, blogspot blog all about Alex. Then it grew, and changed.
There’s the new name now. Kaiser Mommy. Rebranding is a bit of bitch (or bitca for you BtVS fans) and feels like it might just take forever.
There’s that new tagline. It started out when I saw it as a piece of LawyerMama‘s flair on Facebook. (How’s that for Web 2.0 – I found the meaning of life on a virtual piece of flair in a social media outlet.) I caught it in passing and the tires of my brain went scrrrreeeeeech.
“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” (Maggie Kuhn)
Ho-Ho-Holy Shit.
My mind is going all. the. time. I’m afraid to speak up. Oh, I’ll write, but speaking is fucking hard on me. Especially that voice shake thing.
I once saw a naturapath who told me to “speak my truth”, that women tend to have sore throats and thyroid issues when they hold things in. She said it wasn’t a free pass to be a bitch (damn!) but to speak my truth and quit bottling it up.
So here we are. Damn I’m old.
“speak your truth, even if your voice shakes”
Mrs. Flinger
I love this, Dawn. The “Speak your mind even if your voice shakes” is so powerful. I know you don’t like to talk but those of us who know you are lucky to see the depth and hilarity of who you are. You’re so incredible, I hope you keep speaking so more people know and love you, too.
Mrs. Flingers last blog post..Blog Of Shame
Good for you! And I love the new look…
Rees last blog post..But. Here?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s the problem.
Shannanb aka Mommy Bits
I L-O-V-E the new look and the tagline. The header totally makes me think of you.
Shannanb aka Mommy Bitss last blog post..More Fun, Free iPhone Applications
Jenny from Mommin' It Up!
Looks amazing, angel of mine! I love hearing what you have to say, written or spoken!
Jenny from Mommin’ It Up!s last blog post..Again with the Hormones
RC - Rambling Along...
I’ve been wondering which direction you might be looking to head. I could tell you were pondering it, too! Good luck on the rebranding and I do like it! (I’ll try to update you on my blog list, in the near future!)
RC – Rambling Along…s last blog post..Loopy
This is fantastic. Thank God for the internet that makes it easier for us to connect and speak with less fear.
TexasReds last blog post..Teaser Tuesday – The Liberation Diet
Mr Lady
Dude. Word up. RAWR.
Mr Ladys last blog post..Party
here for your truth.
the planet of janet
and i totally believe in finding the meaning of life in a piece of flair.
the planet of janets last blog post..How I turned sloth into a parenting success
That is an awesome quote. Just how I feel when I make my speeches, too.
Kylas last blog post..It’s nothing…and that’s okay.
Mrs. F
I am digging your new digs.
Mrs. Fs last blog post..It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before THIS Happened
Looks like I picked a great time to start reading your blog! 🙂
Faiqas last blog post..Just Another Facebook Rant
Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]
Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]s last blog post..Holding my babies tighter
texasholly @ June Cleaver Nirvana
LOVE it all. It looks and sounds just like ya!
texasholly @ June Cleaver Nirvanas last blog post..Just the essentials
Colleen - a madison mom
It’s amazing what meaning a silly piece of “flair” can hold.
That’s an interesting bit of info… the sore throats and thyroid issued. hmm.
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins
I have to say I love that quote!
Colleen – Mommy Always Winss last blog post..As good as a walk-off home run
Eff yeah.
Zoeyjanes last blog post..On Fantasticality