I got tagged by Kelli and Veronica for the desktop meme – Here ya go … That’s our first child Tavish, and there’s all my files that are all over the place.
I’m tagging Jennifer and Ewokmama. And anyone else who wants to do it too…
Oh, just what you needed, another meme. Sorry. But hope you will play (if you haven’t already). You have the cutest baby on the Internet (and I’m saying that because it’s true, not because I want you to do my meme).
Holy icons batman!
Mom Chatter
I so wouldn’t be able to find anything on your computer! What a sweet kitty! 🙂
Sarcastic Mom
Cute kitty! 🙂
the egel nest
Have you ever heard of creating a folder??? It is amazing how many icons will fit in one of those 🙂
Cute kitty 🙂
The Egel Nest
Lisa (the girls' moma)
You people leave her alone. I’m sure that she has some sort of system. Right?
amanda (toddlywinks)
I am so not a cat person, but awwwwwww!
Aw! How pwecious!
I wanted to thank you for your kind comment on my blog today. You guys have really lifted my spirits! So, thanks.
Oh, just what you needed, another meme. Sorry. But hope you will play (if you haven’t already). You have the cutest baby on the Internet (and I’m saying that because it’s true, not because I want you to do my meme).
slouching mom
Yep. Folders. They’re really helpful. In case you wanted my a*svice, which I’m guessing you didn’t.
Arkie Mama
Ha! Your desktop looks like mine. Not the cat — the zillions of icons!
Kelli @ Gohn Crazy
Haha! This looks like my husband’s and man do I always taunt him about his desktop. *L* Glad to see you cleaned it up.
It’s a super cute kitty behind there though. 🙂
What a sweetie pie!
Alex Year One » Ask me anything
[…] the Desktop Meme, as my desktop is the same trainwreck it was in October, I’ll refer you to that post. Filed Under: Just fun on February 27th, […]