Who knew that labeling yourself a failure could get you an award eh?
How about that telling of moving from a glorious home to a crappy one could make my heart expand three sizes for how hard that must have been?
Or being ostracized from those around you makes me wish I could go back in time and space so we could hang out?
This story was all about being insanely unhappy in an unchangeable situation and then finding the bootstraps and the big girl panties (that I totally bet were sexy black lace) and completely revamping the situation into one where she felt good about herself, she found herself. She has this quote in her story:
“… I was finding myself and carving out something that I could say was mine, not something that I was dragged into.”
I so completely love that she redefined her experience, that she looked at her life and decided that she could do better. I’m completely lifted up by her attitude and for that, I humbly give the November Perfect Post Award to Jen of Get In The Car! for “Air Force Wife: Failure.”
For the rest of the November Perfect Post Awards, head over to Suburban Turmoil and Petroville 🙂
I was all ready to head over and read the post, but your linky is broken 🙁
I am sure it is much deserved though 🙂
Audubon Ron
jen is a wonderful writer.
Hydes Like Us
Thanks for the referrals– I’m looking forward to reading.
I read that post when she wrote it – good choice. Have a good day. Kellan
Jen M
No way! Thank you so much!!!!!!
What a perfect way to jump back into blogging for December 🙂 You have made my Monday wonderful and I am so grateful, friend.
Sarcastic Mom
Freakin’ excellent.
wonderful choice
Nice choice!
Arkie Mama
I LOVED that one. Excellent choice!
Jeff Keith
Nice choice! Good read!