(clickin?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ the logo may take you to more haikus)
Warrior, oh please
Bring VDog to play with me
“Cracker in Waiting”
Playgroupie would drive
To meet your gorgeous lovah
We’ll keep her comp’ny
She’ll be yours nightly
And mine during the daytime
You know – like normal!
Please Please Por Favor
Bitte Pretty Pretty Please
Please Please S’il Vous Plait.
Pick her up and then come to my house! Bring snowshoes.
Ree’s last blog post..Update-a-Rama
Anglophile Football Fanatic
You are too funny. I love me some Vdog, too. She’s a riot.
Anglophile Football Fanatic’s last blog post..HF: Tell Mommy a Story!
What a fun picture.
HRH’s last blog post..Dressing appropriately is the luck of the draw…
transplanting me
funny, i lurk at those sites… i know, it’s bad to lurk, i’m working on that.
transplanting me’s last blog post..joe
Too funny! I’d love to meet VDog too!
Cathy’s last blog post..Haiku Wrinkles
What a great poem!
Too funny. Love the haiku and the pic!
Kathryn’s last blog post..My 100th Post
awesome. can i come too? 😉
janet’s last blog post..Fun Monday #55: the I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille edition
Mama DB
Ha! That is awesome.
Mama DB’s last blog post..Haiku Friday: Afternoon Walk
OMFG, you are so right — I TOTALLY needed this laugh & love. You are too much. Loves it!
If I can get that plane ticket for under $300…hmm….AND convince the Warrior, of course. Working on that.
Thanks dollface!
And thanks to all of the rest of you! Who knew I had so many fans?? 😉
VDog’s last blog post..He’s A Maniac!
Tell me when!!!
Jennifer’s last blog post..Tackling the IMPORTANT Issues?¢‚Ǩ¬¶Car Carts
Fun Haiku with wonderful photos!
Hugs and blessings,
storyteller’s last blog post..Haiku Friday – Message in a Bottle
Crunchy Domestic Goddess
you are so funny. love the pic. hee, hee.
Crunchy Domestic Goddess’s last blog post..Dumpster Diving for Dinner – Freeganism explored
Great haiku. I love the picture!
Ha! I love it!
OMFG I love the photo!!!!
I completely cracked up and had cackling giggles.
Awesome. Great ‘ku sets!
Glad you cheered V up! ;D
[here from her link]
Nice multi-lingual final poem, too! [I wanted to say stanza, but not sure if that is appropriate to haiku] ;p
Aw, I always love your Haikus!
Oh and I love your punt recipe, very cool-every mom needs to be able to do that.
Kristen’s last blog post..I need a video camera!
Secret Agent Mama
I wanna come, too! I’d love to take a bite of some VDog and LM Crackers!
Secret Agent Mama’s last blog post..Leap of Faith: hopeREVO
This was just great… All smiles — just sweetness.
susiej’s last blog post..The Leap Year Cocktail
cute pic and as always great ‘ku. 🙂
Kara’s last blog post..Master Manipulator
Sandy (Momisodes)
Awww! Sounds like fun 🙂 I love that pic, LOL!
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Ask And You Shall Receive: Part 3
Sarcastic Mom
That pic rocks!
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..He?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s the guy with the mustache and the huge wang.