Well, I went out and found the an answer and I’m going give you some info and a formula.
Bear with me.
My information comes from a public source for an invitation only media network. Anyone can find this information if one knows where to look – I stumbled onto it and went *facepalm* that was easy. (So easy it took me 23 months to find it. *headdeskbangouch*.)
The data compiled (well now I’m just showing off I know how to write a sentence that doesn’t use the word fuck. Oh shit. Now I’ve blown it. Fuck it.) is from ten parenting blogs. Interesting to me is that I haven’t even *heard* of three of these blogs and they get 40,000 hits (or more) a month. I tell you that NOT to be all, ‘well who do they think THEY are’? No, I tell you that because that’s proof positive that there is a whole lot of room out in blog land for any of us who would like to make a go of it
The ten blogs have page views from 30,000/month to 4,970,000 page views/per month. With an average of 632,000 page views/month.
I crunched a lot of numbers which I’m not going to bore you with, I will get to the point of what you want to know – How much should* I charge for ad space on my blog? (* should I = ‘could I’ = ‘can I’)
125×125 graphic ad
number of page views per week times .003 = an idea of how much to charge for 125×125 graphic ad space on your blog per week
125×125 text ad
number of page views per week times .0024 = an idea of how much to charge for 125×125 text ad space on your blog per week
Now notice those little fractions of pennies – now I understand why people use the “CPM” (CPM more or less means cost per 1000 page views)
for a 125×125 graphic the CPM was an average of 4.76/1000 page views. This is just another way to get a feel for where to begin.
If you are dying for more geeky detailed info, email me and ask. I just didn’t want to bore.
(all data accurate as of February 22, 2009)
Now – I don’t normally do the “hey if you like this, will you stumble this/tweet this/link to this” thing – but after being at BlogHer and BlissDom and in this for 23 months and now having 3 friends where I was 20-22.5 months ago going OMGWTF where do I begin? Help the community out – tell people to come check this out – it’s at least a jumping off point. And I will be adding more information as I sit and compile it so this particular post will get better over time. I Promise.
And then I’ll be able to talk about how much peeps can make on this gig. Yeah, you know you wanna know. 🙂
This is really helpful, even if it means I have to do math.
Thanks for sharing, darlin!
heather…s last blog post..Hospital Minutes
You are good and right… (not a political statement.)
Mommentators last blog post..Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself Wednesday
the planet of janet
i’m scratching my head a little … but … ok!
the planet of janets last blog post..Weekly Winners: February 15-21
Well, now I know why I won’t put ads on my blog. I DO NOT have the brain power!
Heather @Domestic Extraordinaire
thanks! (I think)
Heather @Domestic Extraordinaires last blog post..Haiku Friday: Help Save a Baby Edition
Really interesting. Thanks.
Condo Blues
I’ve been working my butt off trying to increasing my traffic and wondering if I should charge more for ads – now I know! thanks!
Condo Bluess last blog post..Crochet Your Own Doctor Who Dolls
I’m having so much fun reading all your stuff. It has become my 2:00 p.m., kids are finally napping, fresh pot of coffee is brewing, moment of serenity. Keep it coming and thanks for the shout-out. We need all the help we can get!
Thanks!!! I just actually put up 2 ads on my blog (1 text and 1 graphic). I had absolutely no idea what to charge… so I just went with what they offered. Now I’ll have to do some math and see if I made a good deal or not. I just figured a little extra cash to cut and paste little code wasn’t a bad idea!
Colleens last blog post..Grace in Small Things – 26
Amber @ Classic Housewife
Wow, I think I’m undercharging! I need to go check. I’m pretty sure I calculated a dollar per thousand page views per month.
Amber @ Classic Housewifes last blog post..My Favorite WordPress Plugins
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins
This is awesome. I tweeted about it for ya:
I kinda just have been making up my ad rates, but looks like I was sort of on par for that math…who knew?!?
Colleen – Mommy Always Winss last blog post..Like pee through Wall-E underpants, these are the days of our lives
There is one more data point that you might want to consider. Local ads usually pay less than national ads. I have a local ad network that only places local to my area ads, and they do pay less per 1000 hits than national ads, BUT I end up making many more dollars with the local ads because they don’t take a huge %tage like the blogher or blogads networks do. I probably make 5 to 10 times what I did with blogher, which is no longer on my blog.
So if your local area has a blog ad network, join it!
margalits last blog post..After the acceptance to college
karla | looking towards heaven
:::wiping brain matter off of the screen:::
I *think* I get this.
But if you hear a rumor about some crazy lady with 300 visitors a month is trying to charge $800.00 / month for a 125 x 125 ad, it’s probably me.
karla | looking towards heavens last blog post..Forgot to Mention:
So. By your calculations, I’m way cheap. Dammit.
(Like, for ads. We wouldn’t need math to know about the other ways.)
Karen MEG
Thanks for this, I’ve been scratching my head for a while…but now with this if I can wake up my dormant math genes I can see if it will compute for me 🙂
Blogging Basics 101 » Mighty Helpful Links: May 1, 2009
[…] How Much Should I Charge for Blog Advertising? via Kaiser Mommy […]
Felicia - I Complete Me
This post was really helpful for me. I never even knew there was a formula. From this it looks like I shouldn’t be advertising on my blog (not enough page views).
Felicia – I Complete Mes last blog post..Stephanie Elie: Woman of the Month
Ana Lilian
Thanks for the info!
What always confuses me is knowing which week or month to use?
Thank you. This gives me a good place to start.
Morgans last blog post..C-Section Recovery Tips
Karen Sugarpants
I don’t think I did this right for Craftastrophe.net. Can you help me with this one? Pretty please?
Talina of Harvest of Daily Life
This post was super helpful and I did stumble it. Thanks so much for sharing this. It helped me a ton and was a quick answer to my random question.
Thanks again!
ok I am sorry to sound stupid but once you do the math and come up with the charge is this per week per month per year or what? thanks for your help.
ok just call me certifiable and blogmistress please delete my query. I see the answer right before my eyes. sorry for my duh moment … it’s late,
Eduardo Lachy
Great information, i’ll add it to my favs and probably include it in my coming e-book! (giving you credit of course ;D)
Pls advise me how much I should charge for advertizing on my blog.
per day average Visitor-50
unique vistor-30/day
Pages Viwed-175/day
I’m still confused; just not a math person. I have a few text ads for which I just made up a price that was accepted right away, so I’m wondering if I went too low. Not sure what to do…
How does a potential advertiser find out my page few numbers?
Heir to Blair » A Bliggity Blog about Blogging.
[…] KaiserMommy […]
Could you please tell us what sites you compared, or where you found your data? It’d be a great help; especially for re-checking as time goes on.
As I said in the post, if someone wants to know, that person can email me – I think it’s tacky to post specifics like that in a post – especially when I found the information through a few web searches.
Steph Bond @ Bondville
Fabo – thanks for doing this legwork Dawn! I might email you to find out the source so I can check latest stats (Nov 2010). The parenting niche certainly pays really well. All those online kids boutiques ‘get’ blog advertising which is so great. Some of the other niches have much lower rates as far as I can see (including design). Just saw a great post on problogger that assumes a 1,5 CPM for the blog/tech niche which is a fair bit lower. Lucky for us though! Steph x
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