If you could help me out – that’d be fantastic – fill in the blanks in the following sentence: I am looking at your site on a (PC/Mac), I am using (insert browser here), I (can/can’t) see your header. Examples: I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Safari, I can see your header. I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using.. Read More
Award Day!
Heidi at Hydes Like Us has designed her own award and I’m one of the lucky inaugural recipients! (cue crowd cheering here) I’m going to pass this along to my inspirations from my Thanksgiving Day post: (cue the crowd doing the wave here – watch for your turn!) My Sleepless Nights The Fruit Basket Ducks Mahal Kelson Krew and the crowd goes wild!!!!! yay!!!!! Happy Saturday all y’all!!!!!