If you could help me out – that’d be fantastic –

fill in the blanks in the following sentence:

I am looking at your site on a (PC/Mac), I am using (insert browser here), I (can/can’t) see your header.


I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Safari, I can see your header.

I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Firefox, I can’t see anything.

I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Camino, I can’t see f@cking sh!t and I’m thinking of throwing this computer across the room.

(All are my statements and both are true for me … arrrrrghhhhhh!)

This is the header that is *supposed* to be showing (except, ya know, header sized)


(edited: Um. I have no idea anything about “source code”. I followed the directions to upload the header, it failed, I tried again, it failed, I saved it several different ways, it failed – in every format but Safari for Mac. You rock for even knowing the term.)