In Friday’s post, in the first line I called my friend “Elizabeth” and then put “(snicker)” next to it.
My friend’s name isn’t Elizabeth, it’s Betsy. I called her Elizabeth for two reasons.
1) I was writing about her personal business on my public blog. I wanted to give her the option of using her own name. Since she used her name in the comments, I’ll use it here.
2) We were officers in our department’s student organization (gag, totally roped in, gag) and on the ballots, the faculty adviser had listed her as “Elizabeth”, we laughed and then this crazy conversation took place
Betsy: “Why did you put my name as Elizabeth on the ballot.”
Adviser: “Oh, I was being official.”
Betsy: “Okay, but, my name is Betsy.”
Adviser: “I know everyone calls you Betsy, I just thought since it was a ballot, I’d put your formal name.”
Betsy (looking at me, I’m trying to not crack my ass up at this point): “My formal name is Betsy.”
Adviser: “You don’t use Elizabeth?”
Betsy: “No, I don’t use Elizabeth, my name is Betsy.”
Adviser: “Why don’t you use Elizabeth?”
(I’m helplessly snorting with laughter at this point. I mean, DUDE, buy a clue. And a vowel.)
Betsy: “Be. Cause. My. Name. Is. Bet. Sy.”
Adviser: “But what is on your driver’s license?”
Betsy: “Bet. Sy.”
Adviser: “What is on your marriage certificate?”
Betsy: “Bet. Sy.”
Adviser: “So your legal name is Betsy and not Elizabeth?”
Betsy: “Um… yeah …”
Adviser: “Ohhhh”
So ya know, gotta call her Elizabeth sometimes, for old times’ sake.
LMAO, oh how I LOVE stupid people. What would life be like without them?
the dragonfly
Too funny. My college roommate was like that; different name, but her given name is typically a nickname, like “betsy” and “elizabeth.” People, especially professors, were always trying to call her what they thought was her given name. Argh.
Amy W
That’s pretty funny!!
Hydes Like Us
How funny! That happened to a friend of mine named Jenny– “so Jennifer then?” “No– Jenny.” “Right, but your FULL name is Jennifer.” “Um…no. My FULL name IS Jenny.”
Coming from the South, I find this so common. I also have a friend really named Betsy. Oh yeah, and Billy Bob is really William Robert.
Random Ramblings
LOL That is horrible! People are idiots!!! People tried to call me Elisabeth…and my name is Elissa!?!?!
Oh lordy
Oh my.
Kyla’s last blog post..If I could somehow bind her heart back together, I would.
My FIL used to get this – his name was Jack but people always tried to call him John. I have no idea why Jack is a nickname for John but apparently some people INSIST that Jack can’t be it’s own name. Alas, I fear I have doomed my son. (Although hopefully this one has gone by the wayside with time.)
Ewokmama’s last blog post..Happy birthday to me
Oh, The Joys
When you assume…
Ha ha!
Oh, The Joys’s last blog post..Catch ‘Em
Sarcastic Mom
Gah, some people make my day by being stupid!
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..It?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s Hereditary
I think it USED to be like that…in my catholic grade school the teacher INSISTED that Tina be called Christina, because you know Tina is not a Catholic saints name..her name was Tina.
MP’s last blog post..drunk kitty
My niece’s name is Lexie. She gets Alexis a lot.
Avery’s last blog post..Bad Egg
hehehehe Yay for Betsy and Yay for friends..I get that sometimes with my name too. Kimbra or Kimberley *shudder*
It is just plain ‘ol Kim
But everyone calls me Kimmy *sigh*
cheers kim
kim’s last blog post..I am a haphazard cook.. Yeeeehaaaa!!!
That is the funniest story!! I loved it. Kellan
Sandy (Momisodes)
Geez, but they sound so alike 😉
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Our Holiday Ham?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
Makes so much sense!
Veronica’s last blog post..And Soon! I?ll Be All Grown Up.
Hi there, I’ve tagged you for a Holiday m*m*, if you’d like to participate
Arkie Mama
My husband also has a name that is typically a nickname. Poor man is frequently asked to confirm that no, his “real” name isn’t ________.
Arkie Mama’s last blog post..Stop the holiday whirl — I want off!
LOL! You try choose your kids names with such care, and then it ends up not mattering anyway.
Jenty’s last blog post..Christmas in Sandton
Hahaha! Betsy, Elizabeth…what’s the difference? Oh just a way different spelling and two syllables, that’s all.