(Not sure what’s going on? Here’s the links to the two posts about
Here we go!
My new thing was figuring out how to work Mr. Linky (still sounds dirty), which I did figure it out, and I also figured out it cost money, and my old thing is that I’m a Cheap@$$ and since I wasn’t planning on changing that this week, just post in the comments that you have a post up, and we’ll rely on the good old Comment Luv to hook us up!
(Remember, you can grab the bling that Hotfessional and Three Ring Circus made too!)
Sarcastic Mom
Howdy doodie, my friend. I have a post for you planned for later, as per our discussion, but rugrat has not allowed me to execute said plan yet. Apparently, putting anything other than Baby Einstein in the DVD player results in ARMAGGEDON.
Maybe I’ll just take pictures of him crying. Wait. THAT’S NOT NEW.
Also? Photoshop (my shitty ass version 6)? I finally got it transferred from old clunker computer to new, doesn’t work right Vista is SHIT computer. So, yay! More picture fun.
And yes, I’m trying to write a blog in your comments section.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..That skinny b*tch?¢‚Ǩ¬¶
Wait. Was I supposed to do something? I forget. Damn.
Ree’s last blog post..I Think I Should Move The Flasher
» Dance your way… dead.
[…] wanted to join Dawn’s new thing, Showin’ Off Saturday, and in light of recent events, I thought it would be perfect to try one of my new work-out DVDs […]
Sarcastic Mom
Yay! I finally got my post up for you!
Hope you like it chicka.
Dance your way… dead.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Dance your way?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ dead.
Ack, I’m afraid I didn’t do anything “new” this week. I’ll have to work on that.
LSM’s last blog post..See, It?s Required This Week
I COMPLETELY forgot. You can send me hate mail if you like, I won’t mind.
I might have to do a belated showing off on Saturday post, along with an “OH SHIT I just remembered that today is weekly winners and now I have to take some photos” post.
Veronica’s last blog post..I Wonder How People Find Me Here
no time for something new, just trying to keep up with my regular life. Although I did do something old that I haven’t done in a while. It felt new at first but tby the end it “was like riding a bike” 🙂
Kara’s last blog post..Was that really necessary?
Sarcastic Mom
My comment with the link to my post is totally awaiting moderation, dude.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Dance your way?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ dead.
Yeah, nothing new at my place today. Just more of the same. LOL.
I can totally show off next week, because this is my first week-o-school.
Kyla’s last blog post..“She puked all over her bed, damn you, JINX!”
I forgot! But, I still don’t have my camera yet — so maybe next week.
Mr. Linky costs money?!!!! Who knew?
Wordpress should have some “plugin” for this somewhere. I mean, come on, they have it for everything else.
susiej’s last blog post..The Dinner Party
Love that you thought semicolon was about grammar!! Belive me, I wish it was!!!
Hallie’s last blog post..Hi, My Name is Mr. Semicolon….
I luv you…”still sounds dirty,” bwahaha…too cute. My project for next week is my room/the office aka the dumping ground. Stay tuned.
Huckdoll’s last blog post..Run, Run, Run, From the Ghetto Bird!
sh*%, I forgot.. ooops.. and I am a real show off too!! bugger
I really really want that pretty monkey badge too…
hehehe next week ok..
kim aka frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Helloo!!! and Thanks!!
Our new thing is trying to self-feed. Maybe I can get a picture of that.
Man, does self-feeding blow.
VDog’s last blog post..Haiku Update