Before I had Alex, I didn’t even know such a thing as “Attachment Parenting” existed. Apparently it’s my parenting style though, as he sleeps in our bed (cuz it’s easier on me), I carry him in a wrap instead of a stroller (cuz it’s easier on me), and I’ll nurse him as long as it works for me (cuz I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to buy formula or whole milk.)

Amy, the Crunchy Domestic Goddess asked if some of us would post a press release for AP International and their new site. I’d planned to say more about this, but given the week we’ve had, we’re just gonna go with the flow … which is a little accidentally AP as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Attachment Parenting International (API), a non-profit organization
that promotes parenting practices that create strong, healthy emotional
bonds between children and their parents, has several exciting changes they
would like to announce, including:

  • A newly redesigned web site and new logo at Attachment
  • Attachment parenting worldwide supportforums;
  • href=””>ParentEducation
    Program – a comprehensive series of classes for every stage
    and age of child development from infancy through adulthood;
  • A new book based on API’s Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting by
    API co-founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson which is expected to be
    available this summer;
  • A series of podcasts, webinars, chats, and forums with API Advisory
    Board members and other supporters of AP. Future events are scheduled with
    Dr. Bob Sears, Dr. James McKenna, and Kathleen Kendall Tacket. Check out
    for more information.

These are just a few of many exciting things going on at API>.
I hope you’ll stop by and check it out for yourself.