I know ya’ll hate the repeat post, but I still love this post. I remember feeling so … so sure about needing to remember what day it was, and reading around to other blogs while Alex slept by me. And hey, cute pic of my kid from one year ago…
Today was just a normal day.
We woke.
We took a photo.
We got lost in town.
We went to the Farmer’s Market.
We went to see Scout at work.
We talked to my SIL.
We napped.
While Alex napped, I read. And my heart was touched many times.
MetroDad – who lost his friend
From the Frontlines – who knew her husband would fight and defend
The Dana Files/This Full House – who smelled New York
WhyMommy – who watched the smoke in DC
Growing a Pair who wonders just how do we teach our children about our world now?
JurgenNation – who echos my heart the closest.
It’s the ties flying up in the air. It’s the jumping out of the buildings that shook me most (still does). No one gets up in the morning, puts on a tie and goes to work expecting to jump out a window knowing this is the end. No one does that.
I wish six years ago today would have stayed just a normal day.
I was thinking about reposting last year’s remembrance, too. 😉
Amy W
I don’t know if I can post anything today…
This is actually why I needed to post just a normal post today. I thought about posting nothing at all, but I realized life does go on (pretty much what you say in this post). We don’t forget, but we find a new normal and make happy memories again.
Such a beautiful picture! Hurray for normalcy.
Thank you for the repeat post. xo
it’s a shame..the last link closed her blog 🙁
the dragonfly
Amen to that..
the dragonflys last blog post..Haiku Friday: Thirty
Jurgen Nation
Thank you so much for including me in such a special post. I’m humbled and honored.