Alex and I were in Seattle last week so I could spend time with my Victoria and my Leslie. I pulled us from our usual routine of living room sitting and tv watching while creating messes in the kitchen and pulled us cross country to spend a week with people I’ve actually only met … twice.
But the power of the blog. The twitter. The skype. The text message. The 704.
I know these women. Hell we have synched menstrual cycles from cross 3 time zones. They’ve seen me go to hell and they’ve dragged me back. They fun me up, I make sure they have booze.
Alex needs some funning up too. He’s far too serious for a little guy. It’s genetic.
Our boys luff each other just as their moms luff each other. Little Man, Buddy and the Kaiser chased, fought, tussled like puppies, shared food, watch Thomas (and watched Thomas and watch Thomas some more.)
Buddy is going through a “mine mine” stage – but we all knew how he felt as we packed up LM and Alex on Wednesday night and Buddy pointed at them and them patted his heart saying “mine mine!”
The next morning, I was reading an ACTUAL book (okay fine, it was a book with a collection of blog posts, whatever, it was bound and had a spine. Book.) Victoria and LM were dancing and then Alex started moving his arms… he shook, and he smiled, and he giggled.
My boy danced. My friends not only bring me joy, they bring my boy joy.
And when we got back to our home, when I was tired, and Alex was cranky, I turned up the music, and we danced.
Some joy you really CAN take with you. No matter how far you are.
That is wonderful.
Kylas last blog post..I could write…
Loved this post. The blog world connects us all in ways that bring joy. Being face to face is just an added benefit. I can’t wait to go to BlogHer so I can wrap my arms around people I already feel like have become my best friends.
Sandis last blog post..MY FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY!!!
That made me go down and tuck them in tight.
Mommentators last blog post..Circle of Housing Debacle and You
Great post. There is nothing in this world like a good friend…no matter how old you are.
Kelli@GohnCrazys last blog post..Tofu Tuesday #1
awwwwww!!! Sweet Alex.
I am so envious that y’all all got to be together.
I know I’m not official 704, but y’all are my girls and I love you.
I wish I could have been there.
HUGS and love baby!
I love the internets. And music. And dancing children.
Veronicas last blog post..Solidarity
How very fun! Yay for lovely friends.
Blog buddies are special people. And when they make our children happy they’re like a little piece of heaven on earth.
Rees last blog post..By Popular Demand
Yay Dawn… Yay.. I want to come to blogher dammit..
frogpondsrocks last blog post..Miss Amy..
the planet of janet
so … i’m guessing dancing is kind of a theme today.
the planet of janets last blog post..My mother, the pole dancer
Awww, yay. I did notice that your boy was a quiet one!
Glad you got some dancing in! 😀
Al_Pals last blog post..My new creative outlet: Bread Puddings!
awesome. 🙂 you shared about a joy i can only hope that one day i will enjoy.
*SNIFF*. Glad you had such a great time! Just think- in four more months you’ll be able to do it all over again. AM JEALOUS.
Sammanthias last blog post..Three’s Company
This is the only reason that crappy pop is on my playlists. Sometimes, the kids just gotta dance and you gotta do it, too. Living Room Mosh Pits=recovery from at least two tantrums. More, if there’s body surfing.
Zoeyjanes last blog post..On Being an Asshole