Heather Spohr gained my sympathy with this tweet today:
My car registration expired yesterday. If the DMV gives me a hard time, I’m going to RUIN someone’s day.
and made me laugh out loud as I read her next tweet to TexasRed:
Oh, and I’m getting a lady bidness exam today. Seriously, my life is just totally awesome right now.
So for Miz Mamaspohr – the Woomba
Heather @Domestic Extraordinaire
seriously laughing my ass off here.
Heather @Domestic Extraordinaires last blog post..The post in which you think I am going to complain but I really am not.
Mrs. Flinger
“Lady Bidniz” exam. #snort You make it sound so.. productive! 🙂
Mrs. Flingers last blog post..A letter (now with comments!)
Can Not. Stop. Laughing.
Joies last blog post..Topless in Texas
the planet of janet
the planet of janets last blog post..Haiku Friday: the anniversary edition
Coast Rat
Oh, Lordy! What next?
Coast Rats last blog post..2009 – Week #8 Mississippi Gulf Coast Blue Bird Trail Update
Ms. Changes Pants While Driving
hahaha……. your noonie….
Ms. Changes Pants While Drivings last blog post..this is me listening to a conference call
Oh my holy hell woman.
I know, I felt so awful for giggling when Heather tossed out those tweets 😉 and now that video. bwahahahahahahaaaa