Four years ago today: I started this blog.
Three years ago today: My Dad died. (email me for the pwd, or leave a comment below)
Two years ago today: I coped with the loss of my dad.
One year ago today: I was married to Scout, staying at home with Alex, failing as a housewife, and settled into life for the next 50 years.
Today: I am living in a different state, I’m a single mom with Alex part time, I am working part time at a university, I just got offered a full time job in a tiny school district for the fall, I call my best friend from high school “boyfriend”, I have this whole extended family that includes his teenage boys and all of their heathen friends, the Dude is taking Alex to his preschool screening today, I have bought a smaller house. I have wanted to pick up the phone and call my dad more than once in the last week. Just that split second thought before realizing, “oh right, I can’t.”
I’m still pushing maximum density (much to my dismay) as documented by this “lovely photo” taken from Alex’s point of view. (I apparently the deleted the original photo – this is the same one … only fuzzy…. you get the idea.)
I *have* at least been to the gym. I’m up to 20 minutes on the ellipitical again. I’m working on my arms with the assisted chin/dip machine. I haven’t done well this week, but I have at least been working on the house, which is better than ass sitting in front of the tv eating TacoBell.*
*I gave up fast food for Lent. I’ve frowned on giving up something that would benefit myself as being rather selfish in the whole idea of Lent, but this year I decided giving up something that would make me healthier, just might, in the end, make me a better person for God to be proud of.
My blogging mojo is variable. If I could just blog my thoughts straight to the computer, I would have so much more to share.
But there it is, my pause in my year to see where I’ve been and where I’m at.
Julie {Angry Julie}
Happy Anniversary!!! Wow, it has been a adventurous four years….I hit my 4 year mark in June…CRAZY….I think all of these new changes are going to be awesome.
and we still need to make our “We were friends before Facebook and Twitter” button.
Colleen - Mommy Always Wins
Happy blogoversary!
As I tell myself every day, “Just keep swimming…” 🙂
cindy w
Dude, you are way braver than me. Catie takes unflattering pictures of me with my iPhone all the time and I never, EVER post them.
Happy blogoversary. I’m thinking you need to start a separate anonymous blog where you can dump out all this stuff because MAN ALIVE I miss seeing you around the blogosphere. xoxo
Just realized what today was. (Cue panic trip to Hallmark.) Thinking of you and your family today.
Hi! I miss you!! I feel like it’s been FOREVER, because it has. Thinking of you today. XOXOX
Your hair and your boobs look good, and isn’t that what matters most?
Whoa, that’s a lot in the last few years. Congratulations on keeping at least some of your shit together.
Mrs. Flinger
Amazing to look at all those changes in one place, eh? It’s like new years but in online terms.
Life is bouldering toward awesome. 🙂
V has an excellent point: great hair and boobs go a LONG way!
Huge *HUGS* to you.
Three years is a pretty darned short time, in the grieving process. Wishing you all the best in your new life. Seems like you’re rockin’ it. I don’t think it’s selfish to give up fast food for Lent. xo
dude you are gorgeous and look at those knockers!
Congrats on the gym and fast-food hiatus for Lent. Hope that’s gone well for you! I know I’ve been slacking on my running for several weeks, shh! Maybe you’d want to do the 10 Things I Love blog tag? Hope so because I tagged you, haha 🙂