Four years ago today: I started this blog.

Three years ago today: My Dad died. (email me for the pwd, or leave a comment below)

Two years ago today: I coped with the loss of my dad.

One year ago today: I was married to Scout, staying at home with Alex, failing as a housewife, and settled into life for the next 50 years.

Today: I am living in a different state, I’m a single mom with Alex part time, I am working part time at a university, I just got offered a full time job in a tiny school district for the fall, I call my best friend from high school “boyfriend”, I have this whole extended family that includes his teenage boys and all of their heathen friends, the Dude is taking Alex to his preschool screening today, I have bought a smaller house. I have wanted to pick up the phone and call my dad more than once in the last week. Just that split second thought before realizing, “oh right, I can’t.”

I’m still pushing maximum density (much to my dismay) as documented by this “lovely photo” taken from Alex’s point of view. (I apparently the deleted the original photo – this is the same one … only fuzzy…. you get the idea.)

I *have* at least been to the gym. I’m up to 20 minutes on the ellipitical again. I’m working on my arms with the assisted chin/dip machine. I haven’t done well this week, but I have at least been working on the house, which is better than ass sitting in front of the tv eating TacoBell.*

*I gave up fast food for Lent. I’ve frowned on giving up something that would benefit myself as being rather selfish in the whole idea of Lent, but this year I decided giving up something that would make me healthier, just might, in the end, make me a better person for God to be proud of.

My blogging mojo is variable. If I could just blog my thoughts straight to the computer, I would have so much more to share.

But there it is, my pause in my year to see where I’ve been and where I’m at.