Ten new things since Declaration Day.

1. New couch in my living room.

2. New art over my fireplace (10 bucks and some creativity baby!)

3. New kisses from an old friend. (I, of course, mean “friend I’ve had a long time”, I would never call him old . . . 🙂 )

4. New office – perk of being in a school – Alex loves my work.

5. New website for my Kansas City photographer friend.

6. New activities for Alex. New messes for me to clean 🙂

7. New sense of asskicking to get back what is rightfully mine.

8. New sense of peace, knowing what truly matters.

9. New tires on my car – a job I would have, in the past, waited for a man to take care of.

10. New resolve to always, always, choose joy.