Kaiser Mommy

Choose Joy. Every Time.

Alex Day 7

Ah, I had to get plenty of sleep to be able to call HR to deal with insurance. Issue 1 – Adding Alex to insurance (easy) Issue 2 – Changing us to Scout’s insurance (more difficult b/c I was saying we were moving and she thought I was concerned about change of address – had to define terms of ‘no no, moving to the land of vices, no job) Issue.. Read More

Alex Day 6

Pediatrician day. Really liked the guy, he was very good at slow pitching ideas and letting me either catch and return, or catch and pocket for later – an approach that suits me well. Everyone is very impressed with how much Alex has already gained – already back up to his birth weight, which apparently is unheard of in a breast fed baby, and not so much with a formula.. Read More