18 months ago, I started a diet plan recommended by my brother Forbes (no, I’m not mentioning it by name, they aren’t paying me, and I’ve free whored enough stuff this week). Number one on the list of things to do was clear out the high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated blah-b’blah from the house.
I ended up with a small pile of offenders on the countertop.
On the countertop sat the following items:
graham cracker pie crust
chocolate pudding
whipped topping.
Now what should I do… What. Should. I. Do? I was starting a new eating plan… I needed to get this food out of my house….
The chocolate pie with whipped topping tasted great.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t what they had in mind when they said to get rid of the food.
Effective though.
And tasty.
THAT is my kind of cleaning.
LMAO! See, I need to do that, get rid of all the HFCS’s and “enriched” flour substances in my house, but I’d have some pretty empty shelves.
I go through periods of cleaning it all out, then I go on a bender and buy more. HFCS is evil and the ROOT of our obesity epidemic as far as I’m concerned. The introduction and increased saturation of this into our food system has a direct correlation with the rate of obesity. I know I know, how very scientific of me. Hey, I could have said that global warming has increased as the number of pirates has decreased. Now that would have been silly.
Mr Lady
Total no brainer. You care, you know, about the environment and stuff. Who knows how long chocolate pudding mix can sit in a landfill? The HORROR. You are saving the earth, and I for one salute you.
Lisa (the girls' moma)
Oh my gosh that is AWESOME! You crack me right up.
That one was just staring you in the face. You had to go through with your mission. How could you not?