If you could help me out – that’d be fantastic –
fill in the blanks in the following sentence:
I am looking at your site on a (PC/Mac), I am using (insert browser here), I (can/can’t) see your header.
I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Safari, I can see your header.
I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Firefox, I can’t see anything.
I am looking at your site on a Mac, I am using Camino, I can’t see f@cking sh!t and I’m thinking of throwing this computer across the room.
(All are my statements and both are true for me … arrrrrghhhhhh!)
This is the header that is *supposed* to be showing (except, ya know, header sized)
(edited: Um. I have no idea anything about “source code”. I followed the directions to upload the header, it failed, I tried again, it failed, I saved it several different ways, it failed – in every format but Safari for Mac. You rock for even knowing the term.)
PC, IE, can’t see it boohoo!
In looking at your code for your page, I don’t see an image referenced for the header, either. I could be missing it, though…
Mary Alice
I am on a PC and I can’t see a thing.
slouching mom
PC, Explorer, cannot see. Which is a shame, because judging from the little one, it looks really pretty!
Jen in Jakarta
I am on a PC using firefox and can’t see anything!
PC/Explorer 7.0 No See.
Am sad.
Not sure if you have fixed it.
I am using a laptop (HP) I am using Mozilla and I can see the header. It’s of Alex right?
Uh, re read the post and realised what I was supposed to be looking at.
Still with Mozilla and can’t see it. Hang on a tic and I’ll check with IE.
Okay using Mum’s puter (desktop not sure what type, Nat built it) and IE I can’t see anything. IE won’t work on my laptop. Stupid thing.
I am looking at your site on a PC with windows vista, I am using firefox, I can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t see your header.
I hope you fix it, it looks really cute!
I’m on a PC using Firefox and I don’t see it… it doesn’t show up in IE for me either.
And like Ewokmama said, looking at the source code for your page I’m not seeing any image reference for your header there. Hope that helps.
the fruitfemme
Ewokmama said it best. But here’s my report anyway: I am on PC using Internet Explorer and I cannot see your header. I can see the button.
Good luck!
Julie D.
I can’t see it either! That totally sux!
Mac, FF, can’t see a thing.
However it shows up beautifully in Safari.
Sarcastic Mom
🙁 PC/IE/NoSee.
I wish I could help, but I’m a Mac idiot. I don’t even know who hosts your blog/how you edit your html code.
If the upload wizard thing you’re using doesn’t work, the next best bet is editing the HTML code… but it looks like you’re giving the big middle finger to that. 😉
Let me know if you think I can help…. (can I? F if I know, man….)
Sarcastic Mom
!–#headerimg h1 a, #headerimg h1 a:visited, #headerimg .description { color: white; }
That appears to be the info for your header.
Did you name it h1 a ?
Weirdness abounds.
I’m sure you’ve already figured it out that nobody can see it. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know. I’m slowly getting to know WordPress, and can usually find my way around a stylesheet. You have my email. 🙂
Kelly O
I am looking at your site on a PC, I am using Firefox, I can?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t see anything.
Sorry, man! This kind of thing drives me up a freakin’ wall, too. Email me if you want me to trouble-shoot for you. (Did I ever mention I’m a web professional *adjusts glasses*?)
Mr Lady
PC/Vista hates your header, too. PC/Vista owner loves it and wishes it worked. Can PC/Vista owner offer you any help? Pc/Vista owner can barely remember how to spell her real name, so odds are, no.
Good luck, dude!
the dragonfly
I am looking on a PC with Firefox (and stupid Vista) and I can’t see the header. Yuck.
So sorry this is not working, html confuses the crap out of me! Best of luck darlin.
If you find a fix, let me know.
In the mean time, we can be shoulders for each other to cry on!
I am on a PC using Firefox and I cannot see the header.
PC / Explorer at work..looks purty