That’s pretty much it. I’m opening the doors to my world even wider. What burning questions do you have for me? Lay ’em on me. Consider it a birthday present to give me something to blog about.
Loves ya.
Okay fine. You want more words. I hear ya. Rhonda tagged me for this:
In celebration of random acts of kindness week, Claudia of Everyday Kindness started this meme. The goal is to help us focus on being kind. Learning about each other is also nice, right?
Kind Fives
1. List five kind things you for yourself. List five kind things you for your closest friend, partner or child. List five kind things you have done for a stranger.
2. Tag five people.
Five kind things things I do for myself: 1) yoga once a week; 2) take a moment to smell my face lotion (it smells good); 3) eat protein sometimes instead of carbs; 4) the happy pills; and, 5) good sleep once a week.
Five kind things I do for my closest friend: 1) try to have dinner made for him when he gets home; 2) give him the wink; 3) make him laugh; 4) point it out and make a big deal when he’s right and I’m wrong; and, 5) hand him the Jack after a really bad day.
List five kind things you have done for a stranger: 1) given them the high chair in a restaurant; 2) shoveled a driveway; 3) let them cut in front of me in traffic; 4) donated “stuff”; and, 5) monthly tithe.
(It’s an open tag, take it if you’d like it.)
Also, Doodaddy tagged me for the Desktop Meme, as my desktop is the same trainwreck it was in October, I’ll refer you to that post.
Um questions.
What is your favourite junk food and why?
Veronica’s last blog post..Updates
the dragonfly
If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, doing anything, with unlimited funds…what would you do?
the dragonfly’s last blog post..summer friends, winter tears
the dragonfly
p.s. I forgot “with anyone” 🙂
the dragonfly’s last blog post..summer friends, winter tears
Electricity. What colour is it?
I’ve always wanted to know.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Tickle Me Tuesday the Fourth
What led you to becoming an SLP?
What is your favorite time of day with Alex?
Kyla’s last blog post..Little Boy Blue
Audubon Ron
Stopping by to say hi. I’m meme free.
Audubon Ron’s last blog post..Agony Chapter One
Where do you live? (Somehow I haven’t been able to figure it out. I fully admit this might be a stupid question.)
Ewokmama’s last blog post..I?m sure this is some kind of milestone
What is your favorite store to shop in?
Your favorite family resturant?
Ultimate date night?
Favorite song to sign aloud to in the car when you are by yourself?
MP’s last blog post..TV Time
Anglophile Football Fanatic
I could be asking something you’ve already answered, but: if you are of Scottish ancestry, why did you go with kaiser? Are you a WWI fan?
Anglophile Football Fanatic’s last blog post..From the Red (flash)Light District
when you think about yourself, what are the things that you absolutely love, without question?
flutter’s last blog post..I tremble
What’s your favourite part of your body and why?
Who is your favourite author?
Jenty’s last blog post..Tired and mizz
thats a sweet meme
zoe’s last blog post..Love me Love me not
There is something for you at my place.
cheers Kim xxx
frogpondsrock’s last blog post..Awards … part two..
Sarcastic Mom
What is something you enjoy doing that you’re embarassed that you enjoy doing? If you’re not embarassed of anything… what is something you enjoy doing that you never thought you’d enjoy doing?
How many kiddos did you think you’d want as an adult when you were a kiddo yourself? How has that changed (if it has) and why?
You mentioned once that you are jealous of other women. I have this problem, too. In fact, for a long time, I didn’t even like other women. Now, there are many I love, but sometimes I am still jealous. I hate being jealous. Can you elaborate on this thing about yourself and talk about how you deal with it?
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Grab your drinks again!
Alex Year One » The answers you seek - Part One
[…] told ya you could ask me anything, so here goes the […]