I don’t even know where to begin.
I’m sitting here, staring at the screen and this whole thing is just too damned big to be able to explain, to figure out. It’s hard for me to breathe as I type this. I don’t know what to do, the perfect solution isn’t here.
Which means I have a little something in common with Kyla.
The difference is I’m trying to write a blog post and she’s trying to manage the complexities of multiple doctor appointments and therapies for her three year old.
Oh, and when it comes to financing health insurance for their daughter, their options are 1. Rock 2. Hard Place 3. Molten Lava 4. Tsunami 5. Threesome with Jabba the Hut and Dick Cheney.
This isn’t a case of “oh honey, should we get health insurance or should we go to the casino and eat some steak and play some black jack.”
This is something that could happen to each and every one of you (and me) reading these words. What happens if your health status changes? What happens if your company’s insurance premium goes up so much that you would have to choose between insurance and your home?
The key is, I didn’t get it till Kyla started writing about what is going on in their family. Which is really shameful because I provide therapy. *I* am part of the flawed system.
For kicking me in the ass and showing me the light, I give you Kyla’s Perfect Posts for the month of February. The first link is to her personal blog, The Journey where she writes more about the emotions of a mom in all this, the second is to Momocrats where she really broke it down into all of their options.
And you better believe when I cast my vote in November I’ll be voting for the person most likely to take care of Kaytar. Because as Kyla says, “It just shouldn’t be this hard to protect something this precious.”
Amen, Kyla. Amen.
For more Perfect Post Awards, check out Suburban Turmoil and Petroville.
It is hard when you have so many health issues that insurance won’t even look at you unless you’re gainfully employed. I’m a slave to mine but grateful for them.
Grandy’s last blog post..It doesn’t get much better…
Sleeping Mommy
I can’t even get health insurance. No one will cover me right now. My husband is self employed and that leaves no options for me as far as insurance goes.
Sleeping Mommy’s last blog post..Only in Oklahoma
Good for you for bringing more attention to this. Health insurance coverage here is a joke.
VDog’s last blog post..Lucky ~ March Blog Exchange
Well, this story just pierced my heart. I emailed the MOMocrats link to someone I know who writes about health insurance issues just like this over on DailyKos. This story is such a perfect example of everything that is wrong with our insurance system. It’s all about the bottom line – Murder By Spreadsheet. Just because you *have* insurance does not mean you are covered for all conditions that will come up in your family. And as Kyla learned, they can drop certain types of coverage at a whim. It’s heinous.
tpgoddess’s last blog post..Move 2008 – Week 9 check in
i am so glad you are bringing attention to Kyla’s struggle – it makes me sick that she has to endure this – how unnecessary it is and how tragic. for her and for so many like her – we need better choices now.
jen’s last blog post..the disney empire and the alienation of hillary clinton
Look at me, I’m blushing!
Really, really, thanks…both for the award and the linking. The truth is I didn’t realized this happened either, not until it happened to me.
Kyla’s last blog post..On the last day of insurance…
Thanks for telling us all about Kyla. The more people who know, the better chance we’ll get someone in the White House who actually cares about the whole effed-up health care system in the U.S.
Ree’s last blog post..Building Your Wings
I am one of those conserative people that wants health care for everyone and will probably vote for a democrat unless the republican starts talking more about health care for everyone.
I have not blogged about our insurance issues, but I am seriously thinking of taking a job just to help with the costs.
Blogversary’s last blog post..clean those winter blahs away
In your country and mine, insurance is a legislated licence to steal.
I’m so grateful that my health care is not on the insurance table. There may be wait lists, but everyone can have health care.
witchypoo’s last blog post..More Awards
I love my Kyla, thank you for highlighting this
flutter’s last blog post..Damned Tabloids!!
Mrs. F
I am very moved by Kyla’s openness and honesty. That is something that I did not believe happened.
Mrs. F’s last blog post..Whassa Mattah Mamma?
Why we need healthcare reform « Trees and flowers and birds!
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