We have a winner! Qtpies7 for the PC and Kimberly for the Mac! Welcome to kaiseralex.com! Here we go – for one Mac User and one PC User – we have some BlogHer Swag just for you! The PC Swag bag contains: 1 Scholastic bag, 3 samples Bath and Body Works products, Norton 360 for PC, Embrace Your Grace Tshirt, Macy’s coupon, chocolate, Dentaburst stuff, TNT DVD, Kinderprint kit, 2.. Read More
To Whom it May Concern
Originally posted July 27, 2007 To anyone giving me dirty looks in the grocery while I was holding my vocally crabby infant and pushing his stroller: Yes, I know it looks stupid, Yes, I know he?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s annoying to listen to, I know this because I spend several hours a day listening to it. You get to go home. Blow me. To the woman in the awesome dress with her daughter.. Read More