4 Jobs I have had:
Volunteer counselor at summer camp
Shoe sales
Lingerie sales
Work study in a college office
4 Movies I love to watch over and over:
Anne of Green Gables
Steel Magnolias
4 TV shows I enjoy watching:
Get Color (my HGTV fix)
Saturday Night Live (on DVR only so I can ffwd the ones that suck and go on too long
Grey’s Anatomy (OMG I lurve Callie and Alex after this last week. And Mark “They formed a club about hating me” Sloan!)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4 Places I have been:
Stingray City (Grand Cayman)
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
4 Websites I visit daily:
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
G00gle Reader
4 Favorite Foods:
Chipotle Guacamole
Culver’s peanut butter custard
Fried cheese at any state fair
Rubio’s baja lobster taco/burrito
4 Places I would rather be:
You know what, I’m actually content where I am right now. That will change, I promise.
I’m skipping the tagging portion of this, because I think it’s been around a while. If you want to do it – tag you’re it!
i bet you’ve got some good stories from the lingerie job….
the dragonfly
Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!! Love it!!
(I actually own the first five seasons and hope to acquire six and seven soon. And I’m watching an episode from season five at this very moment!!)
Sarcastic Mom
Zoolander!? It’s true… I DO love you.
And Buffy? Well, I’m not so into that, BUT. If ‘Angel’ is on you can’t pry me away from the TV. Heh.
yum. Rubios.
I love #4 (hell and back) brilliant! I love roasted corn at any state fair! Great lisit – see ya.
Hey I went to Stingray City too! They felt like buttah…
OMG! I love Get Color! I never get a chance to watch it anymore now that the weather is crap, and the boy is indoors most of the time, but that and Designed to Sell are among my top 10, fuh shizzle.
Do you know how to tell a woman how to wear a bra that fits? I need to get resized again I can tell my boobs have shrank. (never the stomach or thighs..it’s gotta be the boobs)
thanks for indulging me.
we need to hang out over some guacomole one day. Your version sounds tasty.