Today I accepted that I am the grown up. I have fought that since February 7th when I found my mom unresponsive on her couch. It used to be when things were awful, my parents shielded me from it. Mom and the veterinarian did their part before Dad and the shovel arrived in the backyard. Today Mom called me that Tavish was in the bathroom and she wasn’t sure she.. Read More
haiku help (A Lent a Day – 2)
(clickin?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ the logo may take you to more haikus) today i emailed a woman helping teen girls and their new babies i asked if i could share my things with mom and babe and make a diff’rence
A Lent a Day – 1
Yesterday, one of MPs suggestions was “Listen to someone that you disagree with” – so I did. BlogHer had two excellent posts this week, first came the posting of Why I’m Pro-Life by Shannon who just sponsored the Rocks in my Dryer bloggy giveaway carnival and then came the Why I’m Pro-Choice by Maria Niles. (I gotta tell you, I did post a comment and then part of that comment.. Read More
Last night I was missing my grandpa. At first I thought it was because my mom had mentioned today that he’d been such a beanpole build that it was no surprise that those genes combined with Scout’s genes would make such a tall and skinny boy. Then I realized that we are entering the Easter season and the last day I saw him was Easter Sunday. In all these years,.. Read More