I didn’t hit the Mofo Delurk day too hard yesterday because I knew I had this on tap and I wanted to bribe all my lurkers to come out and play today, so pretend like today is yesterday and delurk for me mmkay? Lovesyah.

I wrote about my sisterfriend here. I’m looking to help her out. She’s 3 weeks into the nursing thing, well into the OMGWTF indoctrination of it (already one trip to the ER b/c they couldn’t figure out why BabyGirl was projectile puking ORANGE – guess what it was – yeah BabyGirl was sucking her blood and yakking it back up).

She asked me to send her a link of somewhere she can get help, advice, support, stories. She needs to not feel alone in this nursing thing.

Will you help her out? I want to be able to direct her to this post. I’m going to add links that I wish I would have had 5 months ago – will you join my think tank of support and give her either your personal story, or a link to something that you would find helpful if you were 3 weeks into the mommy thing, and nursing was kinda sucky, but totally worth it?


For each comment you post with a link or a story, I will put your name into a drawing for a handmade afghan. I made it myself, it’s pink, washable, roughly 24 inches square, and all in garter stitch. If you aren’t in the market for a pink baby afghan, I can always donate to Project Linus in your name. Kaiser will pick a winner next Thursday morning, October 11, after 6am EDT.


Thank you!

I missed Philanthropy Thursday last week, but I’m back on track this week. SlackerMom sent out a call for items to sell for a school auction – I’m sending her a baby afghan (different from this one).

(Ten Steps for Creating Breast Health)