So, even though I’ve read time and again that babies really are better off on exclusive breast milk till 6 months old, and I really prefer this idea over the whole tiny bits of packaged and mushy food (have I mentioned how much I *hate* mushy food?) when our pediatrician said we could start giving Alex food at 4 months we went straight to the grocery store.
See, I’m barely keeping up on milk for the boy. I’ve tapped into the frozen reserves and only have 12oz left. Even if I think formula is fine … I apparently think it’s fine for the rest of the world, but I really don’t want to use it. Apparently, I am more comfortable with food and milk rather than formula and milk. I have no logic to it.
So he’s been lusting over the applesauce, and barely tolerating the bananas.
Please tell me you caught the *immediate* problem here.
Um. Applesauce and bananas are binders. I might as well have fed him Elmer’s Glue and Wonder Bread, poor kid. So we’ve now gone to prune juice and baby massage.
Please don’t let the gypsies take me away. I like it here.
I’m glad to see you giving whole foods rather than those crap ass jarred bits.
We did however go the mushy route, I would make extra whatever at supper, and blend the veggies and freeze them in ice cube trays for later use.
I totally believe that jarred baby food is one reason why kids do not like veggies and fruits. The jarred crap tastes nothing like the actual fruit or veggie, they develop that taste on their pallate and we expect them to love real bananas when they’ve developed a taste for the shit in the jar? Blech.
Both of my kids are major fruit and veggie lovers.
Are you going to try to BF until 1 year? From what I gather they have to be on formula or breast milk until a year. But then, I always thought that was an “odd” rule. Before there was formula, and if your boobs were not producing enough, I’m sure they did fine on other foods.
LOL regarding the “binders”.
We did all baby homemade food too. And he has loved everything ever since. We basically blended what we ate and he ate it.
Hope the gypsies don’t take you away. 🙂
“I totally believe that jarred baby food is one reason why kids do not like veggies and fruits.”
I agree with Jennifer! usually i made food, but on trips and at busy times we give them store-bought food – they hated it and who could blame them, it tastes like crap! My kids all enjoy vegetables, I always wondered why kids hate veggies so much – now I know! 🙂
Ohhhhh poor kid. Just give the gypsies some applesauce, that’ll teach em
My daughter is 12mths and banana still blocks her up. Unforutantely she adores it and I have to limit the bananas.
My favourites and hers at 5-6mths (she wasn’t really ready earlier but I tried at 4mths on and off) were sweet potato and pumpkin. I found that these were great, natural sweetness and she loved them.
She also adored peaches and nectarines but fresh, not tinned. (I tried to sneak tinned in and she wouldn’t have a bar of it.)
I never used jarred stuff because I thought it tasted awful. I actually bought some jars of food recently, just for those nights when nothing goes right, but surprise surprise she hates them.
How about rice cereal, or multigrain? That sure kept Boo regular.