Thank you everyone for all your thoughts on the blogrolling thing last week. I learned that blogrolls are used for props, in place of readers (like g00gle or bloglines), are dusty and forgotten, are reciprocal, are advertising, are awesome, are overlooked, and that Ron was a model and Adamick is a pervy stalker. Wait – one of those things I already knew….
The whole high school analogy started in my head when I started thinking of BlogHer 08, and remembered reflections on BlogHer 07.
I was far from the conference, I was barely blogging at the time, so BlogHer 07 wasn’t on my radar, other than seeing the bling on many many sites. After it was over, I saw several reflections on hurt feelings, or cliquishness (wow, that’s apparently a word), or lack of circulating. Also on sisterhood and mothers and fun and a bunch of people with some stinky cheese and scary doors on the bathroom in the hotel and how no one could do their biz because there wasn’t any privacy.
I wondered who I would be. Where I would fit in. How would I react?
I mean, seriously, what a weird conference. You place yourself in a room full of women – some who you know EVERYTHING about (let’s face it, we. are not. discreet.) but yet you do not know. It’s hard to tell what someone really looks like – I’ve seen a ton of photos of some of ya’ll and you look different in every single one. You can only tell so much from a photo. So here you are, new place, new people, and hello with the awkward.
I would love to say that I would be the includer, that I would be seeking out people and making everyone feel welcome. I’d love to feel secure in knowing that I would be the same person in person as I am on screen. But, I’ve met me, (a few times) and I’m afraid that I’d be overcome with shyness, and I wouldn’t mingle well at all.
There’s a pull to go though … and when all the dust was settling from last years conference … four months later, I remember this post.
And I’ve thought of that “heart-friend love” that HBM talks about for four months now. I totally understand that. Thinking of that perspective and realizing that everyone is trying to soak up enough of that heart-friend love to make it through to the next time, makes me think it would be worth going. Even if I sat on the sidelines and watched. Even if I just bit my nails off a little bit more. Even if I awkwardly said hello when I was longing to throw my arms around my own “heart-friend love” people. I’m just afraid of being a spaz and getting to the end of it and feeling like I should have done it all better …
But… we’re thinking about it … thinking about making a family vacation out of the trip – doing the Northern Cali thing. Then I could go jump this particular heart-friend (who is gone on vacation this week and I MISS HER, OMW, I MISS HER – boo hoo), and maybe the speakeasy boys would take Scout on a three way man date (dude, that just sounded dir-tay!)
There are Blogher conferences? Do they only happen in the US? I am all curious now.
I agree, it would be amazing to meet some of the people I read everyday. Wait. Make that better than amazing.
Veronica’s last blog post..Christmas In Synopsis – With Photos
Badness Jones
I know I won’t be going this year….but I’ll be jealous of everyone who does!
Badness Jones’s last blog post..Badness Jones’ Emporium of Baked Delights….
Mary Alice
I think BlogHer wold be very interesting to observe. I am not a great mingler – like small groups of people I know well, over the big group thing…so I think I would be exhausted afterwards from constantly having to remind myself to mingle.
Mary Alice’s last blog post..Merry Christmas.
It is interesting reading all the post Blogher entries. I don’t really ever see me going, because well, if I have a weekend to go and hang out with a bunch of women, it would be with college friends or other moms I know.
But, if it ever came to my town? Then I would probably go.
Blogversary’s last blog post..Merry Christmas
I think it would be fun! You should do it!
Avery’s last blog post..Holiday Photoshop Extravaganza 2007!!!
going to blogher has been a dream of mine since i started blogging last summer, but it seems a little scary. i hope i can work up the courage for ’08…
janet’s last blog post..Christmas Day, or the day they really SHOULD have called Child Protective Services
A three-way man date? Adamick and I never thought of that! We’ll have to look into it…
Seriously, though, you should totally come to blogher next year… playdate!
doodaddy’s last blog post..Tiger.
what a great post. i did go to blogher last year and had such a wonderful time – getting to see and spend time with some of the women i’ve gotten to know in this dimension – it was truly fantastic.
jen’s last blog post..jen asks for advice
Hmmm, I might have to go this year. Especially since I live 20 minutes from where it’s being held in NoCal. I think I’d want a buddy, though, otherwise it just wouldn’t be as fun!
Ewokmama’s last blog post..Some days are frustrating
What Mary Alice said. If I could be a fly on the wall and not have to participate or be girlie.
Cricket’s last blog post..Right about now…
Sandy (Momisodes)
I would LOVE to go to Blogher…..Is it going to be in California for sure in 08? If it’s in Boston, I would try to go for sure π
Sandy (Momisodes)’s last blog post..Will Work For Food?Β’βΓ¨¬¢65 Letters Per Minute
Arkie Mama
I remember that post too.
I’d love to go this year, even though I would be a nervous wreck for weeks beforehand.
Arkie Mama’s last blog post..A Christmas of Calamities
I’d love to go to Blogher… one day.
Julie D.
Umm………………I’m GOING!!! Isn’t that reason enough to go. Angry Julie is a fabulous person. I mean really, remember my 101 Things and you pretty much know everything. Ha!
Anyway all of my husband’s family lives up there so that’s my main reason for making the treck.
Julie’s last blog post..101 Things About Me
I’ve been blogging for 4 years now but was never part of the groups. There are 2 or 3 people that I’ve known that long. I really wanted to go to Chicago but didn’t. San Fran is SO fricking far away!! It’s such an expensive flight too. We’re going to Aruba in March and I don’t know if we’ll do California…I think I’d like to wait til Blogher comes to …. Oh.. Branson..or St Louis.. π
MP’s last blog post..My Christmas Vacation by MP
BlogHer was effing fantastic. And I thought I’d feel a lot like you…sit to the sidelines and be kind of on my own, but instead I got drunk and cut class with the Canadians and it rocked. LOL. You should go.
Kyla’s last blog post..What a Rebel.
Sarcastic Mom
I think I’d really like to go… but with money and babysittering stuff, there’s no way.
I’ve also never been in a big social situation like that since becoming a “non-drinker.” I have this weird feeling of it being a big separation from “the fun kids.”
“Oh, no, sorry, I don’t drink anymore since my husband has been recovering from Alcoholism since this past February….” Ever seen Debbie Downer on SNL? Heh.
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Merry Crotchmas
I am slightly afraid of the conferences…is that wrong?
Flutter’s last blog post..My family
Audubon Ron
Be comfortable in your own skin. No reason for you not to be.
Audubon Ron’s last blog post..Xmas at Ducks Mahal
cry it out!
Doodaddy’s lying. We think about it all the time. Definitely come!
cry it out!’s last blog post..Santa is a chump
The Other Dawn
I’m also mulling it. If the family trip doesn’t work out, how ’bout a road trip?
2shews’s last blog post..That’s The Gift That Keeps On Givin’ Right There, Clark.
Mommy off the Record
I went to Blogher two years ago and it was really fun. I definitely bit my nails a bit, but people were really friendly so I was glad I went. If I go next year, maybe we can meet up! Where is it going to be? In Northern CA? I live there! I may not have an excuse not to go this time. π
Mommy off the Record’s last blog post..Merry Christmas Eve
Mommy off the Record
Oh man, it’s happening the same day I have a wedding to go to. Darn!
Mommy off the Record’s last blog post..Bummed!
Ok, so how could I not have commented on this?? I must be totally dense. I think my problem is that I read your blog and then I talk to you on IM and give you my comments that way??
Anyway, I love love love love how you mentioned me. And the weird part? My BFF in 5th/6th grade and I would call each other “heart-friends.” You truly must be my long lost BFF!!!
VDog’s last blog post..Haiku Contest Winners!
Alex Year Two » What I did with my day
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