(ed. below is what i wrote 26 days ago while i was processing a choice i had to make. it was my own inner dialog with myself to just beat myself up a little more than i already was on an hourly basis. do i really think it’s weak? no. now that i’m healthier and have my head screwed on, i can see clearly that you do what you need to do get you through the day in a healthy way for you, i posted the dialog so if you have having it with yourself, you might recognize it. thanks to liv for calling me out on sounding like a sheer arsehole because i didn’t explain any of that and jumped right in.)
I think popping pills is weak.
There. I said it.
I think there is nothing we can not heal in ourselves if we use diet, exercise and focus. (By “focus” I mean prayer, meditation, whatever works for the individual.)
Pills. Bah. Brain pills. Happy pills. Whaddevah.
Take a vitamin, eat some fruit, take a walk in the sunshine, get off your ass. It’s all in your head.
I don’t want to need them.
I hate being the person who needs them.
Aren’t I stronger than this? Can’t I overcome this mood?
(This mood that has held me for months.)
Sitting in the doctor’s office. Looking at the blank in the personal health history that says “mental illness” … not wanting that label to mean ME.
(Even though I know it does. The stigma stings. “Mental health disorder” “Psychiatric disorder” Whatever. I don’t want it.)
Grateful she didn’t ask the standard question, “Are you thinking of hurting yourself?” Because, oh MY God. WHO has the energy to devise a plan to do myself harm?
Hello sertr@line.
Hello constant thirst.
Here I am AGAIN.
I wrote this 26 pills ago. I’m glad I wrote it, because it was all true.
26 pills later, I don’t give a rat’s ass. I feel better. I am sleeping better, I organized my kitchen yesterday, I have managed more family turmoil in the past five days than I’ve ever had to before. Life is unbelievably hard right now and I truly believe that without these little pills that I would have broken this week. That I would be huddled under my bed with my blanket and pretending no one was home.
26 pills later there is sunshine.
Here’s where I tell you that if your life is gray and a little voice is whispering to you that it doesn’t have to be this hard – be good to yourself and take the steps to get some sunshine. Ree and Mr. Lady would agree.
I absolutely love what you wrote. Sending huge hugs your way.
Margaret’s last blog post..Holy Crap
Mary Alice
Stigma. Everyone is afraid of it. Everyone is afraid of admitting anything that isn?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t perfection, that seems like a weakness, a defect of strong willed character ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äú and yet there is not one of us who is perfect. We cannot will our neurotransmitters into behaving as we believe they should. Praises for the sunshine?¢‚Ǩ¬¶..and I hope life?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s rough roads get their potholes filled soon.
Mary Alice’s last blog post..Life
Anxiety meds are especially helpful to let your mind slow down and relax enough to sleep. Sleep is very restorative.
Ask Veroncia. She would kill for sleep I bet.
witchypoo’s last blog post..Brush With Celebrity
it may be 7:3oish in the morning and i may be overly tired, but that first paragraph? that first part? i actually cannot believe i just read that.
Ive had this debate with myself over and over and I still can not take myself to the doctors. Some days are much better than others. I do not think it is wrong to have a happy pill, but currently for me I just cant change my dang mindset into thinking that I can not fix myself. I do agree with Mary Alice 100%. Everyone must do what they need to make their life good and happy.
Wow this so sounds like my freaking post today. Crazy.
SJSFalter’s last blog post..Growing Up
I took happy pills to help me cope with an extremely stressful event in my life. They helped me to stay calm (rather than burst into tears and/or reach for another glass of wine) and they helped me to sleep. They were a circuit-breaker, that’s all. They didn’t make me feel different (ie there was no obvious side-effect, I didn’t start singing Joy To The World at the top of my lungs) but they made my head clearer. It’s hard to describe. Some people think that antidepressants make you feel happy but in my case they cleared away some of the cobwebs so that I was able to feel happy. Not sure if that makes sense. Anyway, this was a wonderful post. Thanks.
Trish’s last blog post..I got a 9.5 from the Russian judges
Amen. My life is horrible, but I do not think I could make it without the pills. I get up every morning. I go to work. I somehow get school work done. For all these things, I am grateful.
the dragonfly
I’ve been thinking about going to my doctor for depression. I need to. I know it. And it’s only going to get worse, when the Sergeant goes to Iraq.
I know I need something. I need to be a good, whole Mommy for my little boy.
But I hesitate, because I don’t want to depend on meds. Which is stupid, because I depend on meds to control my migraines…how is this different?
I’m glad you’re doing better. I need to do this too…
the dragonfly’s last blog post..like a bad dream
{{hugs}} babe. Sometimes you just gotta do what you’ve gotta do. And we can all relate. XX
Ree’s last blog post..The Question
My thoughts echo your post. I don’t need help… but this is TOUGH — so hard. So, I started with http5… I notice huge difference when I don’t take them… but when I’m taking them, I think I’m fine and don’t need them.
This was inspirational. Motherhood is so hard.
When I was little, all the Mommies took “nerve pills.”
susiej’s last blog post..Little Red Puts Me To Sleep
I’m glad you’ve turned the corner. You can wish away diabetes, either. I’m glad you gave your brain and your psyche a break.
Cricket’s last blog post..Pills and thrills
I’m glad you’ve found sunshine.
Kyla’s last blog post..I made someone cry yesterday.
Yes. And yes again.
Good on you that you’re doing what you need to do.
magpie’s last blog post..The Kindness of Strangers
the egel nest
I think anything that helps you in your life is good…there are lots of people who are critical of mental illness who are undiagnosed themselves!!! 🙂
Glad they have brought you some satisfaction…
The Egel Nest
Thanks for such an honest post on what it feels like to struggle with the decision to go on meds. I’m glad you’re feeling better!
LSM’s last blog post..Post Primary Let Down
Darlin’, I don’t think you sound like an asshole at all. I think you are so much braver than I because I KNOW I need to get my butt to the doctor’s office but I’m too afraid to do it. Too afraid they’ll tell me I’m just overreacting (hi, I’ve been through hell and back in the past twelve years), and too afraid that the happy pills will do me wrong. I’ve never been on an extended prescription of anything so the thought of taking that leap is terrifying.
A wise friend of mine who has been on many prescriptions during her lifetime said something brilliant to me once. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but these little “disorders” are pretty commonplace among women these days. We are fresh out of the dark ages when it comes to how we live. We have many more stressors nowadays than our foremothers 100 or 200 years ago did. Or maybe just a different kind of stress (I’m sure they had their fair share, too), the point is that our bodies are still adjusting to this new lifestyle and maybe in 100 more years our granddaughter’s will have adjusted and won’t need those happy pills; but right now is just not that time.
Natalie’s last blog post..The Story of John
the fruitfemme
Whew! Really good post. It is hard enough to walk through this kind of fog. And then at some point you realize that your kid is watching you, because, you know, what you need is *more pressure.* Your post reminded me of many women I love and also of myself. Thanks for posting it. :* (kisses) the ff
It’s very brave of you to be so honest. Very helpful to yourself to allow yourself the space to admit when you need help.
skiplovey’s last blog post..Perhaps a little of the spring fever
Thank you for posting this. I, too, felt the same way when I was first married. My husband kept telling me he was ADD and that when he was medicated (in middle school), it was the “normalest” he had ever felt. I just blew him off telling him that ADD was way overdiagnosed and he just needed to learn some social skills.
Then he went and got tested, and the Dr. told him he was off-the-charts ADD. In the 6 years since he has been medicated, our lives have changed dramatically. We fight less, he holds a job, he stopped self-medicating, our inter-personal is way better, etc., etc..
I now know there are issues that are issues and there are issues that are chemical imbalances. I just hope if I am ever on the needing end, that he will be more supportive of me than I was of him!
Oh babe, I am so happy and so proud that you did this for yourself
flutter’s last blog post..wind blowing in through the door
I went through these EXACT same thoughts about a year ago and I got meself on some happy pills too. Life does grade on a curve, but we’ve got some mean profs out there at times. I’m able to get up in the morning and I’m still going through my trial. We’ll all make it. You’re doing good, I know I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you.
furiousball’s last blog post..Jawboner? the thrilling finale!!!
Good for you! I’m glad you shared this and also that you took the leap and got the happy pills. I love the picture of the rays on sun shining on your handful of pills. Well done. I hope life smooths out for you and that the external stresses ease up.
tpgoddess’s last blog post..American Idol – the girls Round 3
I went through the same thought process. I’ve gone through a billion times, actually. Depression is the one disease that I resist at every turn. I DON’T WANT IT. I don’t want it to define me. I don’t want that person to be me. I have a lot of trouble accepting it. I have a lot of trouble reconciling the person I think I am with the person who can’t deal with life sometimes.
I still feel conflicted about medication, but everything else failed me. I’ve tried exercise, talking, time to myself…it wasn’t working. I don’t want to be the parent that can’t take care of her kid. I don’t want to be the wife who shuts down around her husband. It’s not fair to my family and friends to leave my depression untreated. Not only will it screw with them in the mean time, but it will surely end badly.
I am proud of you for seeking help. I am proud of myself for seeking help. I am happy there are things out there to help us. My doctors made very good points: think of this medication as a vitamin you take for your brain – this vitamin will correct the chemical deficiency. Also, you wouldn’t feel weak about seeking treatment for cancer, or for pneumonia, or some other illness. You wouldn’t feel weak because your immune system couldn’t beat those things. Why is your mental health different?
Ewokmama’s last blog post..I Need a Muse
Good for you on getting the help. And many happy days ahead.
Blogversary’s last blog post..i do not fear the future: presidential edition
girlfriend: one of the most powerful things i have learned about motherhood is that now, i do whatever i have to do to be alive, alert, and around for my kids. i swallow stigma for breakfast. and you are one brave and powerful person for meeting the challenge and doing what you need to do.
in short, you rock 🙂
Sarcastic Mom
Getting better means something different for all of us, but NONE of us should be ashamed at seeking help for depression. As you know from posts I’ve written, I’ve had some bleak times. We always tend to beat ourselves up, or deny that we need help. I’m glad you got yours!
Sarcastic Mom’s last blog post..Fatten The Assen
I have 2 friends that take “pills”..I always thought that the situations caused the need..but really they were the people that had more funks than normal…they are better w/ the pills…If i thought I needed them I would take the pills. I don’t think it’s weak, I think it’s brave.
MP’s last blog post..Bossy is doing St Louis
What a fabulous post. I’m glad it’s helping and that you now see that it’s not weak.
Jennifer’s last blog post..Behold Its Beauty
Anglophile Football Fanatic
I’m very proud of you for recognizing the need and being strong enough to take them. I’m nearly there myself. It’s hard to admit when you feel like a failure, isn’t it?
Anglophile Football Fanatic’s last blog post..TT: 13 Things You Probably Don?t Know About Texas
A Whole Lot of Nothing
That damn little voice tends to take over, and without those damn pills, it can affect our whole lives. With my pills, I can accept myself. Without, I can’t accept anything.
Thanks for posting!!
Everyone needs a little assistance now and then. Sometimes assistance comes in the form of anti-depressants. I wish there wasn’t a stigma there, but there still is, a bit.
I have several family members that would cope much better, find people enjoying them much more and would just be much better if they could turn off that first voice.
I, too, am contemplating a discussion at my next physician appointment (next week). Not so much for happy pills, but for another prescription in which I saw drastic improvements in myself in the past. **sigh** Do I think I should need them? No. But do I think I would be doing better than I am, and therefore be on the path to better health? Yes.
RC’s last blog post..It?s a bouncing baby blog!
I’m glad you spoke out on this. Negative self-talk can be neverending. And like someone above said, there is such a stigma associated with taking pills.
But best of all is your having sunshine back in your life.
And hey, you have a little boy to pee on your floor by the toilet. What could be better?
Amy’s last blog post..Potty Training
I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who has benefited from anti-depressants or other such medications and doesn’t have the mixed feelings about it that you talk about in this post. It seems to go along with the territory. I know I’ve been there.
rima’s last blog post..I’m Just Here for the Party
Negativity and depression are such powerful forces–you are strong to seek help when you need it.
Welcome back to the sunshine 🙂
Lisa’s last blog post..Where did you learn that?!
May the sunshine continue to be in your world….if the pills bring it, so be it!
tommie’s last blog post..six word story…I married. Two kids. Military wife
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Being depressed is the PITS. The pills don’t make everything automatically better, but they surely do make the icky stuff easier to deal with.
Rebecca’s last blog post..Roll call? Please?
I had the same fight with myself. It sucked. I was scared, weak and isolated. I felt alone.
The meds have helped a little, but I’m still working on it! But even though I pop the pill, I still think nutritional measures are the best way to go!
I like how your real!
krissy’s last blog post..How about my 100th?!
amen, sister. sending hugs.
janet’s last blog post..Carpools: can’t live with them, can’t dump them
Good for you! Every time one of us talks about this issue or blogs about it or creates a dialog about it we lessen the stigma. When we are honest with each other and realize that we are not the only one’s suffering, there is no shame.
Thank you for sharing, I have been there and have felt myself sinking again lately. Your strength is inspiring.
Kristen’s last blog post..Friday’s here!
Arkie Mama
I know that thought process you just described. Last February I waited until I was so mired down I couldn’t function before finally getting back on the pills.
I am so glad I came to the same conclusion you did.
Arkie Mama’s last blog post..Bad Mommy Confession No. 243
with all the comments here, I don’t think I can say anything new.
Good for you for being honest with yourself and us. Enjoy your pills, if they work, keep taking them.
Kara’s last blog post..The good and bad news
Judith Shakespeare
Dude, you’re just trying to fill up my “good blogs” section, aren’t you? Seriously, I’ve been a really bad bloggy friend here lately and every time that I get a chance to stop by, you simply blow me away.
Incredibly brave post that just may help A LOT of people take that first step.
You, my love, are awesome.
Judith Shakespeare’s last blog post..It’s Like Ra-i-ain…
Maggie?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s Mind
I also can’t add much other than to say that you are awesome and brave and bold and wonderful, and I love that you put this out there because not only does it show that you have guts and courage and other really admirable qualities in doing so, but it also just might help someone, maybe even save a life. Seriously. It could. How cool is that?
OK, gotta run, need to add you to my reader immediately.
maggies mind’s last blog post..Haiku Friday 3/7/08
Oh wonderful girl!
You are so brave.
To admit to the universe feels like defeat but it is actually a win.
I salute you.
Tiffany’s last blog post..Five things I sleep with on a regular basis these days?
Sleeping Mommy
Sometimes I think about it. I tried meds once…I didn’t stick with it. I think about trying again when the days are as hard as they have been lately.
Good for you for being strong enough to get help. It’s not weak to get help anyway you can. It’s weak to keep suffering when you don’t have to.
Sleeping Mommy’s last blog post..A blessing of simple pleasures
i used to feel like that..till i totally lost my shit. better living through chemicals. i thank god for my meds now!
zoe’s last blog post..Country Crock
Sleeping Mommy » Blog Archive » Best (finds this) Week Ever March 2-8
[…] of Alex Year One takes a raw look at depression and the inner dialogue many face when considering chemical […]
Mr Lady
You are correct. Mr Lady agrees. Good on ya.
Mr Lady’s last blog post..A Question
Oh, The Joys
How many months?
Oh, The Joys’s last blog post..I, Hydrant
I am so behind on my reading. Glad you are feeling together now.
Veronica’s last blog post..I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢m Back!