A while ago, I spun my first yarn:


I finally realized I needed to, uh, ply? it with another strand so it could puff out and be the soft awesome that I knew it really wanted to be.

I used some cashmere from Jags Funky Fibers (August Phat Fiber Box) to improve what I had spun.

[disclosure. i have a book on spinning. i can’t find it. and i’m stubborn. it’s like i’m tormenting myself for not being able to find the book by making myself learn without it.]

I had also won a bag of angora fiber from Wool and Wings Farm. Now, keep in mind my disclaimer. Now combine that disclaimer with the only actual spinning equipment I have is the drop spindle.

I am so impatient.


I used a fine tooth comb and gently teased the fluffy angora into a long snake of fiber. I spun it and then combined it with a sample of pink English Angora handspun from Blumzie Luxury Yarns.

I had played and played with this sample of Blumzie’s from the August Phat Fiber box and I could NOT figure out what to do with it. Other than bury my face in the puff of it while it sat by my computer.

I decided to knit up this strange yarn concoction in a washcloth pattern. Not that I plan to use it for a washcloth, but I find that washcloth patterns make nice little samplers. I don’t really know what this is going to become, but for now I’m happy to have my first attempts of hand spinning on the needles for me to pet.

The full experiment.


Closeup – the fawn is from MY alpaca Hope (She lives at Katy’s.) and the rose grey is from Pink Cyclone who was another of Katy’s alpacas. Both are spun with the cashmere from Jags.


The part actually on the needle is the angora I spun with the angora from Blumzie’s.


I’m pretty sure this is one of those projects only the creator could love – but just in case, if you click the photos they should enlarge nicely so you can get a feel for the fuzzy fuzzy awesome.

Want more? Check out Fiber Arts Friday.