It’s been a long time coming. March will mark the 4th year since pulling the sheet over your face, and patting the top of your gray hair that last time. The last I looked at you. Four years since you died and left without saying goodbye, leaving me confused and hurt and in a mess of shit you left behind (legally and literally). Most of these four years I’ve fought.. Read More
I connected the dots . . .
I know you didn’t mean to Daddy. I know you wouldn’t have left Grandma stranded if you could have helped it. If you would have expected it. To die. I don’t know what broke you along the way. I don’t know what made you think you were so much more than less than. Why you didn’t think you …. why didn’t try harder to have things you deserved. People you.. Read More
Even the stars knew.
I’m fascinated with (Thanks Cathy.) Plug in a person, birthday, birthtime, birthplace and there go hours of my life. Hey, ya’ll have Pinterest, I have 🙂 Since ya don’t easily work in “so, where were you born, uh huh, and what time was that?” in casual conversation, it’s a little limited in who you can look at “accurately”. I got a wild hair to look at my relationship.. Read More
Post 1
I’m watching the Glee funeral. I’m sitting at VDog‘s house with the cracker husband and the cracker dogs. And I’m afraid I’m going to cry. And I’m just not down with the ugly cry in front of Cracker Warrior. – I don’t know when my relationship with my Dad went to hell. I have not pinpointed the first time that I felt “less than” because of him. I know it.. Read More
Protected: Sometimes this pain goes to 11
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Protected: Just my imagination.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.