I have a friend who is a lawyer. She is not married (BUT SHE’D LIKE TO BE. HINT HINT – oh…. excuse me Tater…. my bad). We were talking (IM) about baby sleep because of a conversation I’d had in yoga yesterday (more on that at a different time. I like my can of worms closed in these hot summer months). We talked of how we’d like things to be.. Read More
This is happening in our old backyard. We found out just about the time to put BabyKaiser into sleep mode for the night. Scout made phone calls while I looked at the story online – grumbling about the “if it bleeds it leads” local station. (Which I did not link to just out of principle. CNN is having a love fest with them anyway). I held the baby and was.. Read More
How I got here
Sara kept telling me I should start a blog. In the middle of the night of the first few weeks of Baby Kaiser’s world, I started reading them constantly. I don’t even know where I got started. It might have been here while I tried to figure out if it was normal that I couldn’t put my boy down and have him stay asleep. I know I ended up here.. Read More
Red Tent Alert!
So Aunt Flo has come to visit again. Now, typically I can get by the first day without having to really address the issue – I mean I don’t have to stop going commando. Well apparently this one is different. Apparently this one decided t come on immediately. Which I didn’t know until about 11pm when I got off the bed and saw a spot. This is after I’d gotten.. Read More
Ah Bliss
So I’ve been in charge for two whole days now and we have survived. But you should have felt the relief flow through me when Scout said he was taking off work tomorrow. Since two of the last three weeks have been such clustersmacks my milk is WAY low. All the stock pile I had (at least two full days worth) are now all gone. I mean I get it,.. Read More
The New Normal – Day One
Scout is up and at the office. This is the longest since Alex ws born that I’ve been in charge of him – all but 30 minutes since last night at 1030. We’re doing okay. I don’t get much done bc of the whol “I won’t sleep if you aren’t with me” thing. But I got decent sleep, got breakfast, went on walk to grocery store, still need lunch, have.. Read More