This is short cuz I’m tired and all.

But I keep thinking about how much I loved hearing Mr. Lady’s voice reading her words at the Friday night keynote. Even though it hurt, even though I get it a little too well. She got a standing O when she was finished, and she completely deserved it. Click here to read about her Leap of Faith.

And then Casey read The Overdose and I was undone again. She got the other standing O of the keynote.

And then, God, Jesus, Ninjas and Zombies (and mythical hobbits too), The Bloggess came out and made me laugh … niiiiine times. She was a little drunk reading about being a little High.

(Yes, yes, yes, I’m gonna blog about BlogHer for a while – because I want to share my favorite moments with you, and you, and yes, you too!)