Kaiser Mommy

Choose Joy. Every Time.


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NaBloPoMo #Fail

I was all about GoBloMeMoFo 2014. Even if I had to post a couple at a time to make up for it, I was liking being in the groove of writing – even if I was hating the process of blogging on an iPad. I bought an old laptop so I could at least have an easier way to work, and then I broke. Ferguson happened and the internet blew.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 16 Nov 14

I’ve never been a hunter, my family didn’t get into it until later in life, so I didn’t grow up with it so much. Fish and frog legs, but not so much deer and turkey. I never like seeing all the dead deer photos, the glassy dead eyes just get to me. This was opening weekend for rifles in Missouri. I didn’t go, but I was awake to my foot.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 15 Nov 14

I have stared at my walls for about four years. There are weird angles in this house. Like someone was allergic to right angles or something. The worst corner has been in the living room where the fireplace is. I painted the white fireplace the same cream that has been on the wall, and I painted over it with a beautiful blue (Sherwin Williams Bosphorus). I arranged the dustables toward.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 14 Nov 14

Heather Spohr and I have the same chair. Which is something I have loved. Sadly, my cats have also loved it as their favorite scratching place. Today I bought a super lame throw cover thing and did my best to staple the edges (till the staples ran out. Of course.) The animals still adore it.

NaBloPoMo 13 Nov 14

Looking at my house, you would never think that I need things to be perfect. But I do. I struggle to sit here and write because it is not on MY computer. Even if I had MY computer I would struggle if I didn’t get to sit on my couch and was forced to sit in the kitchen. I am looking at one wall in my living room that I.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 12 Nov 14

You know what makes me furious.   Blogging on an iPad. It is cruel. I spend so much time screaming that I can’t even write. I cant backspace or link or much of anything. i used to hack around in code. I used to Do this. I used to be good and now I scream at an iPad and threaten to punch it, and all I want to do is.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 11 Nov 14

A couple of lifetimes ago, I rode in a limo with Shelly Kramer and and Brene’ Brown. I heard Brene’ speak, I had her sign my books. It has been years and I still remember that “at least” isn’t helpful and empathy and sympathy are not the same things. I came across this brilliant video of her talk this week. Watch it, it will help. Maybe this link.   http://www.fastcodesign.com/3023417/the-power-of-empathy-animated

NaBloPoMo 10 Nov 14

I looked at my living room this morning with dread.  Then I took a breath, set the stopwatch and had it clean in 21 minutes, 29 seconds. Lesson here is just freaking do it.

NaBloPoMo 9 Nov 14

My sister in law got me into essential oils over the summer, and I have found some great benefits from them. Then came the Ebola virus in the US (never mind that I heard about Ebola for the first time in 1994, now that it affects white peeps on US soil, apparently now we all care.) Then came people making claims that specific blends of essential oils could … Cure.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 8 Nov 14

The one where I did a ton of Christmas shopping. I really do like to be able to support the small business, and I like products that are not full of garbage. Enter the Argyle Cosmetics pre sale. I spent about a hundred dollars, it will ship by December 1st, They are amazing products, and I got to support a small business woman I know that hundred dollars is more appreciated.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 7 Nov 14

Why yes, this is Friday’s post on Saturday. I have spent two weeks kind of following the FlyLady concepts of cleaning a house. Additionally, I have figured out the four things that destroy our house when I don’t pay attention. dishes trash floor laundry So every day I hit those four things and then I do the FlyLady weekly things. I have made decent progress on the living room and.. Read More

NaBloPoMo 6 Nov 14

Ugh, friends, ugh. I am old enough that I should be a grown up. I should have a clean house, be able to cook decent meals, develop my creative career that I want. But no. I continue to struggle with routines that keep the house picked up and running well. Meals are a mystery. I have … I will say hundreds, but I know it is more than that, dollars.. Read More