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We just switched to cloth over the weekend. As we are finally awake enough to understand how to use them and are in possession of a washer dryer again we were able to start using them during the day (still using disposables at night because I like what sleep I can get to not get interrupted by little boy pee). Is there anything more staining than breastmilk poo? Does anything.. Read More
I have a box sitting and waiting for me at the fucking post office. I have to repeat today in order to get my yoga pants. This is another “post office” than what I was at today. God help me.
I’ve had a stack of mail sitting in my car all month. It’s impossible to find a post office in the land of all the vices. Especially since I’m still learning how to do things with the little kaiser running the show. Garmin tried to take me to the next town over. So I’ve had photos for the grandparents, baby presents, wedding presents and a box of kilt in the.. Read More
I just looked at Alex with love in my eyes and said “Hi Kitty”.
Here’s TMI: So while you are breastfeeding you aren’t supposed to get your period. Unless you are an overachiever like me who’s NEVER been regular (wasn’t supposed to get pregnant – hah) – but now that I’m NOT supposed to have one – It’s clockwork. So it hits the other night while Scout is gone. Around 11pm it finally dawns on me that I have no supplies and I’m not.. Read More
So Aunt Flo has come to visit again. Now, typically I can get by the first day without having to really address the issue – I mean I don’t have to stop going commando. Well apparently this one is different. Apparently this one decided t come on immediately. Which I didn’t know until about 11pm when I got off the bed and saw a spot. This is after I’d gotten.. Read More
Pretending Scout is in the next room. All alone, I watch the baby twitching ….So Scout is back in MN for a few days and I am solo flying this parenting thing. I kept today low key as I destroyed morning nap by waking him twice getting him out of the car. I also started bath routine at 645 instead of 800 b/c I knew I was eitehr going to.. Read More
So it’s going well, all in all. We’ve started a typical bedtime routine – and it’s worked really well – well enough that the first night we didn’t do it he didn’t officially fall asleep till 1230. He tends to fall asleep and then wakes up for a couple minutes and goes back to sleep. Tonight I think he needed Daddy time. He fell asleep like a champ, woke up.. Read More
He’s a little bigger now. Amazing what 9 weeks will do.
Don’t eat an entire can of Pringles. Ever.
Not Alex – mine. Today I drove in the land of vices for the first time. I did not get lost. I did not cuss. I found the local co-op grocery store, I found THE most awesome Craftsman inspired furniture store where I mentally spent more than the balance left on my car, I found Scout’s office, I got rained on. I found the first thing about the land of.. Read More
So I’ve been in charge for two whole days now and we have survived. But you should have felt the relief flow through me when Scout said he was taking off work tomorrow. Since two of the last three weeks have been such clustersmacks my milk is WAY low. All the stock pile I had (at least two full days worth) are now all gone. I mean I get it,.. Read More
Scout is up and at the office. This is the longest since Alex ws born that I’ve been in charge of him – all but 30 minutes since last night at 1030. We’re doing okay. I don’t get much done bc of the whol “I won’t sleep if you aren’t with me” thing. But I got decent sleep, got breakfast, went on walk to grocery store, still need lunch, have.. Read More