My mom had brought me boxes and boxes of stuff I’d never taken when I’d moved in with Scout. These boxes went straight on the truck, unopened, when we moved to the land of the vices. I’ve been unpacking, and I ran across this: Here it is enhanced. In case it isn’t immediately obvious what it is: Can someone please, please explain to me what freaing marketing ploy got me.. Read More
Breastfeeding / Applebee’s continued
Mommy wars what? Talk about people sticking together. Check it
A Time when Breastfeeding and Applebee’s Don’t Mix
August is World Breastfeeding Month, which has stirred up all kinds of debates and comments about breastfeeding and free formula bags. In case you’ve missed some of the conversation, here’s some links: Strollerderby One Strollerderby Two Blissfully Bitchy Bellies and Babies Now, I may not be a fan of the “nurse-in” concept myself, but I might just be a little envious of the women who’s (whose?) boobs don’t land in.. Read More
’splain sumpin’ to me please . . .
How does something come from here: Go to here …. Apparently get here: Go through one of these: To come out looking like this?
I might have detected the problem…
…with my weight loss. Actually, I’ve known it all along…. To be fair, it was Key Lime Pie day. It only comes around once a month, and I don’t know if it’s just a summer thing – I might not be able to get it next month. And I figured as long as I was there I might as well get a Peanut Butter Crack … I mean Concrete Mixer… Read More
Speaking of Boobs . . .
There’s a hub-ub of breastfeeding talk going on – this at Strollerderby, this at Blissfully Bitchy, and I know I’ve read more, but as I sit here pumping with one hand and typing with the other I’ll just get on with my thought. I’ve been really pondering this for two days now. Alex and I started off nursing and have ended up exclusively pumping and using bottles. I can share.. Read More
More important than 164.5
Wandering the Google Reader during naptime (It’s nice relaxation during pumping) I linked my way to this blog post. I’d run across “Team Whymommy” before but hadn’t locked in on it. I now join masses of good women sending good energy/prayers/thoughts off to Whymommy – who I’ve never met. This is what she wants me to know, and wants you to know too: Inflammatory breast cancer Monday July 23rd 2007,.. Read More
Adventures in Diapers
We just switched to cloth over the weekend. As we are finally awake enough to understand how to use them and are in possession of a washer dryer again we were able to start using them during the day (still using disposables at night because I like what sleep I can get to not get interrupted by little boy pee). Is there anything more staining than breastmilk poo? Does anything.. Read More
The Red Tent
Here’s TMI: So while you are breastfeeding you aren’t supposed to get your period. Unless you are an overachiever like me who’s NEVER been regular (wasn’t supposed to get pregnant – hah) – but now that I’m NOT supposed to have one – It’s clockwork. So it hits the other night while Scout is gone. Around 11pm it finally dawns on me that I have no supplies and I’m not.. Read More
new stuff
So it’s going well, all in all. We’ve started a typical bedtime routine – and it’s worked really well – well enough that the first night we didn’t do it he didn’t officially fall asleep till 1230. He tends to fall asleep and then wakes up for a couple minutes and goes back to sleep. Tonight I think he needed Daddy time. He fell asleep like a champ, woke up.. Read More
Don’t eat an entire can of Pringles. Ever.
The Good Body
During our final teacher meeting on Friday, we were told that our school psych (who is rather tiring) was going to introduce two speech/debate students to do a dramatic interp (I can’t remember which category it was, but this is close) that she and several others had found quite moving and thought we should all see. Now I’m not really one to drag out a meeting so I was unthrilled.. Read More
What happened to Saturday?
Well I’ll tell you– C R A B A S S oh yes. loud and proud baby crabass. Today we took a bath to cure the crab ass. Scout had left the room b/c he had just sat in the poopy diaper and was cleaning up. Alex was splashing and having fun with me in the tub. He started to get fussy and a little cold so picked him up.. Read More