Kaiser Mommy

Choose Joy. Every Time.

Being the Mom

I’m the Mom. I’m the one with the milk on some part of my clothing. I’m the one who voluntarily and automatically does the dishes. I’m the one who hasn’t left the house without the baby. I’m the one with the post delivery hormone induced acne. I’m the one with the tiny baby fingernail claw marks on my neck. I’m the one who when Alex is screaming and won’t chill.. Read More

Watching Daddy

It’s a huge change from two weeks ago. Scout’s gone from “where’s the manual” to, I think, outdoing me in the parenting category. He’s figured out how to feed Alex and change a diaper at the same time, he’s better at the diaper changing than I am, he needs less sleep, he can handle the slippery post bath baby, he’s better at letting him cry every once in a while.. Read More

Clearly Insane

What with me pumping every three hours, we’ve tried to start sleeping at 9pm in 3 hour shifts. (which would explain why it is 343am and I am awake). I think we’ve been swapping off on who sleeps first – fortunately we haven’t both been to the wall exhausted at the same time yet. Last night Scout mowed the lawn and I got attacked by the sleepies before he got.. Read More

All In

It’s been a hard couple of days to live in my head. 1 am for some reason is the time some demon comes to visit. The hour of all my fears setting their teeth into me. Two nights ago those teeth took the form of remembering a story relayed by a holocaust survivor about what happened to his infant niece. (And I’ll leave it at that, sharing the nightmare won’t.. Read More

Gift of the Magi

On Thursday, Scout was strung out. I could tell that he was having trouble because testosterone brings on less instant maternal instincts than the ovaries do. Well, that and he hasn’t done things like sing “The Ants Go Marching” for 45 minutes while trying to get Aly to go to sleep, he hasn’t ever been alone in a house with a hungry baby and a slow bottle warmer, things like.. Read More

Alex Day 10

Thoughts on Goldenseal: I think it’s good for keeping the belly button non gooey while the cord bit is trying to fall off. Otherwise, once the nasty cord scab falls off, air drying is the way to go. More from the “advice” category: They told me in the hospital that Always pads are too drying to use after having a baby – at least in the immediate weeks, that they.. Read More

Alex Day 9

The cord stump falling off sucks. Alex was done eating yesterday and had fallen asleep beside me, I was talking to mom and suddenly realized he was wide awake and looking directly at me. Like he SAW me. He had tears in his little red eyes and was breathing very carefully. He was looking at me like “Mommy, something hurts, I’m confused, I don’t understand.” So I picked him up.. Read More

Alex Day 8

Ah, I got sleep, Scout should feel awesome b/c he slept 7 hours last night and then another 5 today – however he says he still feels sleepy. Odd. Alex has started sleeping for decent chunks of time without being held, and there’s a pacifier that he actually likes. Ah things are settling in. Wonder what the next thing will be that we need to problem solve. Perhaps the mystery.. Read More

Alex Day 8

Ah the bliss of 5 hours of sleep followed by a cup of coffee. Today’s goals: Finish the April page in his scrapbook. Bathe and wash my hair. (Before Alex and Sylvia show at 530) Put the warmer upstairs so I can give him mini baths when he gets changed. Right now I think I need to put “eat breakfast” on this list too. Edit: did it!

Alex Day 7

Ah, I had to get plenty of sleep to be able to call HR to deal with insurance. Issue 1 – Adding Alex to insurance (easy) Issue 2 – Changing us to Scout’s insurance (more difficult b/c I was saying we were moving and she thought I was concerned about change of address – had to define terms of ‘no no, moving to the land of vices, no job) Issue.. Read More

Alex Day 6

Pediatrician day. Really liked the guy, he was very good at slow pitching ideas and letting me either catch and return, or catch and pocket for later – an approach that suits me well. Everyone is very impressed with how much Alex has already gained – already back up to his birth weight, which apparently is unheard of in a breast fed baby, and not so much with a formula.. Read More

Alex Day 5

I now give permission to all mothers everywhere to do whatever they want to do with their child. I spent all afternoon and evening yesterday with my formerly happy baby with an uber pissed off baby because I thought it was evil bad to feed him more than every two hours. I thought something was WRONG and OFF SCHEDULE. So I was torturing my baby for the sake of what.. Read More